There are different record types in Manitou, listed below, detail these elements.
The account records include:
- Customer – Monitored Location.
- Commercial - Business Monitored location. This can include any non-residential records.
- Residential - A privately owned monitored location where people live.
- Dealer – Business installing, managing, and offering monitoring services to Customers.
- Authority – Emergency response organization. Known as AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction) , PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point), or specific authority types.
- Police - Responding authority for Burglary and Intrusion related issues.
- Fire - Responding authority to manage fire alarms.
- Medical - Sometimes under Fire or Police authorities, respond to medical related alarms.
- Agency – Businesses that may access monitored locations to offer some sort of service (for example, cleaning service or cash transportation service).
- Branch – Group used to further subdivide accounts either for an organization or regional management. Like Dealer, without the ability to program alarm types.
- Monitoring Company – The Alarm Monitoring business.
- Global Keyholder – Individuals who may reside on multiple entity records.
- TX Types – This allows for the designation of a specific set of Transmitter Types used by the system. This is useful when dealing with a large entity using numerous Transmitter Types.