Adding and Maintaining Account Records

There are different account types in Manitou, listed below, and the following sections detail each type. These records can be accessed in a variety of ways to include clicking main menu and then selecting File | New or Maintenance, or by double-clicking an account record from a list.

The account records include:

  • Customer – Private residence or organization that has purchased and receives security monitoring, emergency, and alarm handing services.
  • Dealer – Independent businesses that typically handle Customer installations of alarm and monitoring equipment.
  • Authority – Emergency response Agencies such as police, fire, ambulance, and so on.
  • Agency – Businesses that access secure business locations or private residences and offer some sort of service (for example, cleaning service or cash transportation service).
  • Branch – Sub-offices of a main Customer location.
  • Monitoring Company – The central station running Manitou.
  • Global Keyholder – Primary contacts who can connect to multiple Customer records.
  • TX Types – This allows for the designation of a specific set of Transmitter Types used by the system. This is useful when dealing with a large entity using numerous Transmitter Types.