Monitoring Company TX ID Ranges

Transmitter ID Ranges allow Manitou to assign Transmitter IDs to customer transmitters.  Transmitter ID Ranges may be added to the Monitoring Company and Dealer Records.  

Adding a Transmitter ID Range

  1. On the required record, navigate to the TX ID Ranges form.  
  2. Click the Plus sign found on the upper right-hand corner of the card.  
  3. Drop down and select the Receiver Line Prefix to apply to the range.  
  4. Drop down the Type and select the Type for this range.
    • Free Form allows multiple value types for the range.
    • Decimal restricts the range to numeric decimal values.
    • HEX (Include A) enables the range for HEX values and allows A.
    • HEX (Exclude A) enables the range for HEX values and disallows A.  
  5. Enter the first ID value- Such as 1001
  6. Enter the last ID value  - Such as 1999
  7. Enter the Next available Range Value - Most often, the first value in the group, such as 1001 
  8. Range Full automatically selects when the last value of the range is assigned to an account.  
  9. Restart enables when the range is full and will then hunt through the range for any empty slots.  
  10. When set as required, click Done.  

Transmitter ID Range Wizard

This feature allows you to determine if the range is available to create.  

  1. Click the Wizard link on the Transmitter ID Range creation dialog.  
  2. Select the Receiver Line prefix.
  3. Select the Type
  4. Set the size of the range to search.
  5. Set the Maximum Transmitter ID length
  6. Click Search.

This returns if the range is available.  If it returns "too many records," the range is available.