Maintenance Issues

Maintenance Issues identify data or entity-related issues that require attention. 

Maintenance Issue Examples

  • Phone number or Contact Point issues.
  • Customer requested, but not validated, change.
  • Missing Services
  • Reminder Generated items

Phone Number or Contact Point issues

When an operator completes a contact to a customer with an Error, the system prompts them if they would like to create a Maintenance Issue.  If they select Yes, they are then prompted to detail what the issue is.  This then generates a new Maintenance issue with that information.  

Please be very cautious with this!  If created for a non-customer contact and contact point this will apply to EVERY event tripped that has that Authority, Agency, Branch, Global Keyholder, and Dealer linked to a customer account.  The most common issue is when contacting the responding Authority and the error was not due to a bad phone number.  

Customer Requested, but not validated, change

When a customer calls in to request a data update, the standard process is to validate them.  If unable to obtain a proper verification of that person and their ability to make changes to the account, it is possible to create a Maintenance issue on their behalf.  Then once verified and confirmed and updated the Issue may be resolved.

Missing Services

Manitou will generate Maintenance Issues automatically if certain conditions occur.  These are manageable in the Global Options.  Examples of system-generated Maintenance Issues are Open and Close signals that present to the account where there is no Open/Close schedule or service, or the system is generating test events to the account but there is no interval or service.  

These help ensure that companies are monitoring what they are billing and billing what they are monitoring.  

Reminder Generated Maintenance Issues

Manitou's Reminder feature allows the creation of a Maintenance issue when the Reminder triggers.  Some companies use this to schedule services or provide testing for the site.  

Creating a Maintenance Issue

While some automations create Maintenance Issues, it is possible to also manually create them. Here's how:

  1. Load the Customer or other Entity that requires the Maintenance Issue.
  2. Navigate to the Maintenance Issues form.
  3. Click the Plus sign (➕) to add a Maintenance Issue.  
  4. The entity data loads automatically.  
  5. If applicable and configured on your system, choose the person at the entity with whom this relates.
  6. If applicable and configured on your system, choose the appropriate technician.  
  7. Drop down and select the Service Type.  These may be added and updated within your Supervisor Workstation.
  8. If applicable, set the Appointment date.
  9. Enter the Description of the Maintenance Item.
  10. Set the priority of this issue.  See your operational guidelines for setting priorities for your organization.  
  11. When all data is entered as needed, click Save (💾).