Dealer Contact List

The Dealer Contact List contains all persons and entities that may be contacted for this Dealer.  Any contacts created on the Dealer are available for contacting on any of the Dealer's accounts.  

Contacts Card

The contacts card is where you add the individuals who respond to or manage the dealer data. 

Adding a Contact

Click the Plus sign (➕) and select the type of contact to Add.

Contact Add

  1. Enter the Name of the Contact - Be sure to enter First Name then Last Name as you would have someone read it.
  2. Select the Type - Keyholder is the default.  Keep it as a Keyholder unless specified by your organization.   Dealers may need to change this user to Technician to enable other external features.  
  3. Verify the CountryLanguage, and Time Zone.  
  4. Click Done
  5. This launches the Advanced Edit. Enter any applicable data such as:
    • Contact Password
    • Permissions automatically load based on the data entered.  You may update or change these at any time.
    • Web Access ID
    • Notes
    • Availability
  6. Click Next to enter the Contact Points (Phone number, email address, etc.).   
  7. Click Next to add the contact's Name and Address, if required.
  8. Click Next to select or enter data into any contact-specific User-defined fields.  
  9. When all is entered as desired, click Done.
  10. Repeat as required for all contacts, or use the Contact Grid.

Contact Grid

If you have multiple contacts to enter, Select Contact Grid.  

  1. Click Add
    1. If available, it is possible to import a, properly formatted listing of contacts, using the handshake icon 
    2. Copy and paste the values in the prescribed format.  
    3. Click OK.
    4. Make any updates or changes.  
    5. Click Done
  2. If manually adding contacts to the list:
    1. Select the Type, if other than Keyholder
    2. Enter the Name of the first contact.
    3. Select the Contact Point Type in the header and then enter the number.  If the person(s) have multiple numbers, click the plus sign (➕) to add more column contact type headers.  
    4. Click Add and repeat for all contacts
  3. You may click the Advanced Edit to enter all contact details, as noted above.
  4. When all are entered as needed, click Done.

Please note:  Contacts are ordered based on the order entered into the system.  To change the order of who is listed, please drag and rearrange.  

Global Keyholder

Global Keyholders are persons who are utilized on multiple accounts and reference a single Global Keyholder record for their details.  

  1. Within the Add Global Keyholder dialog, enter or search for the Global Keyholder you wish to add.
  2. Once loaded Click Add.
  3. Once Added Click Done.
  4. Repeat as required for all applicable Global Keyholders.  


You may add other Dealers  that have a relationship with this Dealer as well.  

  1. Select Dealer
  2. Within the Dealer Add dialog enter or search for the Dealer to Add.
  3. Once loaded click Add.
  4. Once Added Click Done.
  5. Repeat as required for all Dealers to link to this dealer.

Once all contacts are entered as desired, Save (💾) the record.

Attention Card

The Attention card is used only when printed items require attention to a specific person.  

Adding an Attention

Click the pencil icon (✏️) and select the person for the type of attention.  

When entered as desired, click Done.

Remember to click Save (💾) to commit the information to the database.

Contact Details Card

The Contact Details card populates with the data entered for that contact upon selection of their contact within the Contacts Card.

You may click the pencil icon (✏️)  to edit the contact at any time.  This launches the Advanced Edit dialog for that contact as above.