

Branches work much like Dealer records without the programming overrides.  Branches allow you to group locations together for reporting and alarm response. Why create a Branch? Implementing a Branch entity record in Manitou offers signi...
Add a Branch
When adding a Branch be sure you have the information needed to enter the record.   Branch Name and Contact Point Details Contacts If necessary, Call List details. Add a Branch Click the Hamburger icon (≡...
Branch Details
After creating the Branch, the Details form contains two cards:  Details and Contacts.   Details The details populate from the new Branch creation and may be edited if necessary.  Please note that the Branch ID once saved is the permane...
Branch Contacts
The Branch Contact list contains the persons who are responsible for responding to events and managing the Branch's data.  Branches may have three types of contacts added to their Contact Lists in Manitou:  Contact Persons (Individuals on this Branc...
Branch Call List
Call Lists consist of persons and entities to contact in the event of Alarms.  Call Lists are not required for any account or entity if the contacts to be called are in the order desired on the Contact List.   Call Lists have tw...
Branch Comments
Comments on Entity records consist of three main types: Temporary , Standing , and Special Instructions . Temporary Comments  - Comments about the monitored location or entity that is true only for a specified period of time.  Exampl...
Branch General Schedules
Branches may utilize two types of General Schedules:  Keyholder Availability and Call List Availability. Keyholder Availability  Keyholder Availability allows you to enable phone number contact points outside of hours they may answer.  ...
Branch Reports
Reporting for the Branches may be scheduled on the Branch record.  See the section-specific reports articles for information and specifics about the reports.   Upon creation, the scheduled reports show on the Branch Schedul...
Branch Maintenance Issues
Branches may have Maintenance Issues related to their information or contact details.  Maintenance Issues are found on the Authority record under the Maintenance Issues section.  The following link discusses and demonstrates the creation of Maint...
Branch Statistics
Branch Statistics allow a quick review of the health and welfare of the accounts linked to the Branch.   Each value links to a listing of the accounts with specific information.   ...