SWS - Forms in the View Menu - User Status

The User Status screen provides information about the current status of each Manitou system user, as well as details about recent sessions.

The list in the User Status window includes all system users and indicates whether or not they are currently logged into the Manitou system. In addition to control room personnel, the list includes anyone with remote access to Manitou.

Using the Session Details Filter Tab

The Session Details Filter Tab allows a user to filter the user list using the parameters you set.

To use the filter tab, click the tab at the bottom of the User Status screen as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Result: The "Filter Criteria" window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Uncheck any user categories you want to exclude from the user list and click "Apply".

Result: The user list displays with users of the types you de-selected removed from the list.