Temporary Comments

The Temporary Comments Master File report returns details of the Temporary comments in Manitou and where they are located.

Report Parameters

  • Customer ID - Which customer, or customers, to include in the report.  Please note, that the report server searches the database numerically if you are searching for a range.  
  • Customer Name - Which Customer Name, or Names, to locate.  This is rarely used alone and will load with the customer name values after selecting the Customer ID.
  • Dealer ID - Which dealer, or dealers, to include.
  • Branch ID - Which branch, or branches, to include.
  • Group Code - Which Group code, or codes, applied to accounts, to include.  
  • Class Code - Which Class code, or codes, applied to the accounts, to include.
  • Follow Up - Range of dates to look for the items.  Follow Up date is the date set to generate an alarm to an operator to confirm that the Temporary Comment is still valid or should be removed upon expiration, or manually.  

  • Include comment details - Includes the text included in the Temporary comment.
  • Date Range - Which way to look for the Temporary comments.
    • Non-expired - Default - Searches for any non-expired Temporary Comments.
    • Selected Dates - Expands the Valid From and To Dates in the upper section for selecting the date range to include.
    • Expired - Searches for only expired Temporary Comments.  
  • Order by - Determines how the results present in the final report.

  • Monitoring Status - Filters the results to the status, or statuses, selected.
  • Contact Type - Selects the record type, or types, to search for the Temporary Comments.


The advanced selection allows the filtering by address or Company User Defined fields.