SWS - Forms in the View Menu - Processes

Various Processes run silently in the background of Manitou and undertake routine and repetitive tasks such as logging and printing.

Accessing the Processes Screen

The Processes screen displays the status of Manitou system processes and can assist system engineers in diagnosing problems.

To access the Processes screen:

Click "View", and then click "Processes".

Result: The "Processes" screen displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

A user can select a specific Process for viewing simply by clicking the row on which it displays.

Click the Refresh icon in the top left corner of the Processes screen to refresh the Processes list.

Process Threads

A thread is a subpart of a procedure that can be scheduled to run independently from its main Process. Select a Process and select "Show threads for all processes" to display all threads associated with the Process.

Process Sessions

A session is every instance a Process runs on the Manitou system.

Select "Show sessions for all processes" to display a list of every active session for all the listed Processes in Manitou.