SWS - Forms in the Report Menu - System Reports - Activity Reports - Alarm Grading

The Alarm Grading report rates various types of signals into categories and lists how many were in and out of compliance upon you viewing them within a specified time period for that type.

Fields and Options
  • Report Description - A label for the report.
  • Priority - The alarm priority level for which you want to run the report.
  • Date - Select this check box to specify a date range.
  • From/To - Use these fields to enter a date/time range for the report.
  • Include Details - Select this check box to include details for all alarms over that section's tolerance in the report. Selecting this option only adds alarms that exceed the tolerance to the Details section.
  • High Priority - For example, duress, hold-up, defaulted to 1 minute.
  • Asset Threatening - For example, intruder, defaulted to 3 minutes.
  • Subsistence Alarms - For example, battery low, defaulted to 20 minutes.
  • Low Priority - For example, late-to-close, mains fail, defaulted to 60 minutes.
  • Group Labels - You can use these text boxes to rename section labels in the report.
  • Monitoring Status - You can select which accounts should be included in the report.

In the Options dialog for this report, there are lists for each of the categories, allowing you to choose which Event Codes go into each report.

This report is measuring time available to time first viewed.

When this report is run, it finds all the events within the time period specified, and for each category, lists the tolerance for that category, the total number of events for that category, how many and the percentage of events were viewed under the time tolerance, and how many and the percentage of events that were viewed over the time tolerance.