Alarm Queue Columns

This article details the names and purposes of each column within the Alarm Queue.

  • Alarm No – This is a combination of the serial number of the account (the unique identifier of the account within the database) and the sequence number of the alarm as it came into the alarm queue. The alarm number will be a unique reference number for reporting purposes and can be provided to authorities if they request one.
  • Action ID – This is the Action Pattern tied to this alarm.
  • RLP – This is the Receiver Line Prefix assigned to this account/signal. Receiver Line prefixes are how accounts can be separated and clearly identified.
  • TXID – A Transmitter ID (TXID) is the account number of the dialer/radio/GSM sending in the signal.
  • Code – This is the Manitou Event code for the alarm being presented to the Alarm queue.
  • Event – This is the description of the alarm being presented to the alarm queue.
  • Event Category – Each event in Manitou is grouped within an Event Category. This allows for the management of Monitoring Groups and Disaster Mode.
  • P/F/M – This means Police/Fire/Medical. In the alarm queue, the values displayed here will be Yes or No, meaning whether or not the Police, Fire, or Medical authorities have been contacted on this alarm.
  • Last Activity Time – This displays the last time actions have been taken on this alarm.
  • Postcode – The postal code/zip code on this customer record.
  • Customer ID – The Customer account number.
  • User – The operator that has last handled the alarm.
  • Area – The area presented with the alarm.
  • Zone – The zone presented with the alarm.
  • Point ID – The zone description, or point ID description, defining the alarm location or detail.
  • Locale – The language the customer has tied to their account.
  • More Act – This shows Yes or No, if there has been more activity on this record.
 Additional Notes:
  • Columns and locations within the Alarm Queue may be adjusted to personal preferences. Click the pencil icon to reveal the change header dialog. These follow the user from logout to log in, and workstation to workstation.