Viewing an Existing Maintenance Issue

Maintenance Issues identify data or entity-related issues that require attention.  When an account or alarm indicates there is an outstanding Maintenance issue, you can either load the record with the issue or view all issues on the Maintenance Issues form.  

Maintenance Issues Form

The full database Maintenance Issues form is found under the Maintenance Menu.  To navigate to the form, click the Hamburger (≡) icon,  Maintenance, and then Maintenance Issues.

The Maintenance Issues form then loads with the listing of all active Maintenance Issues.

This form displays any non-closed Maintenance Issues with the following:

  • Date Logged
  • Who Logged the issue? 
  • Type of Issue - Meaning where does this issue reside?  Customer, Dealer, Agency, Branch, etc.
  • ID of the Entity - Customer ID, Dealer IT, etc.
  • The Name of the entity
  • Person ID - When the issue relates to a person on the entity contact list.  
  • Person Name - Name of the person if referenced.
  • Description - Short note of the issue.  Such as "Error Contacts 555-1212"
  • Last Action Date and Time.
  • Technician - If applicable, the assigned technician to solve the issue.  Technicians are created within the Supervisor Workstation.  
  • On Site - Status if the technician is on site.
  • Appointment Date - If applicable.
  • Service Type - Defiled service type for the issue.  These are created within the Supervisor Workstation.  
  • Resolution - Date and time the issue Resolved. 

Filtering Maintenance Issues

In order to best manage the information on the Maintenance Issues form it defaults to only unresolved items.  However, you may click the filter (▼) icon to load the filter dialog and change the defaults.  

Date Filter 

The Date filter allows you to choose the Logged date, Last Action date, and Resolved date.  Then you can set the from and to dates and times.  

Appointment Filtered

This filters the issues related to set appointment items.  

Resolution Filter

Allows you to filter based on the resolution status of the issues.  Resolved, Unresolved or Both.

User ID Filter

Allows the selection of who entered the issue.  

Technician Filter 

If available, allow the selection of the technicians assigned to the issue.

Priority Filter

Filters by the selected priority(ies).  These are updated and configured in the Supervisor Workstation.  

Service Types Filter

If available, filter the issues by the service type(s) selected.  These are added and updated within the Supervisor Workstation.  

Upon setting the items as desired, click Search.