Transmitter Types

A Transmitter is how a signal finds a Customer account. With the Transmitter Types cards, you can select and delete all transmitters the Dealer services.

 TX Type

This allows for the designation of a specific set of Transmitter Types used within the system. This is useful when dealing with a large entity using numerous types of transmitters.

 Transmitter Ranges
  • Customers must have Transmitter Ranges at the Monitoring Company or Dealer levels.
  • Transmitter Ranges are required to prevent duplication of Transmitter IDs.
  • Transmitter Ranges determine which Transmitter IDs are allocated to a Dealer for use with the Dealer's accounts. When adding new Customer accounts to the system, consider that the Customer's Transmitter ID should be within the Transmitter Range of its associated Dealer. The purpose of assigning a range of transmitters to Dealer records is that more information about incoming signals is immediately available. When a signal is received with a TXID (Transmitter Identification) within a particular Dealer's range, it is clear that the signal is from one of that Dealer's accounts. This gives more information when handling alarms.
  • Receiver Line Designation – Used to select the applicable Receiver Line. This information should be available from the administrator or manager of the central station. It is important to know which Customers and Dealers are assigned to which receivers and Receiver Line Designations.
  • TX ID From – Starting number of the Transmitter Range.
  • TX ID To – Ending number of the Transmitter Range.
  • Next TX ID – The next Transmitter ID to use for the selected Dealer.
  • TX ID Type – Indicates the format of the Transmitter ID (Decimal, Hex [Include A], Hex [Exclude A]). This is based on the TX ID format used by the central station and/or the selected Dealer.
  • Range Full – Select this check box if the Transmitter ID range is full at this time. You can use this to block out a particular number of Transmitter IDs that you plan to use for a specific account.
  • Restart – If this check box is selected, it is okay to start looking again for empty Transmitter ID numbers.