Customer Wizard - Call Lists & User Defined Fields (Step 7)

Call Lists

The Call Lists form allows the entry of any call lists required for the record. Manitou can process alarms and make appropriate contacts without the need for call lists, but if your procedures require the use of call lists, it is possible to create them.

  1. After clicking Add a new dialog opens showing all contacts. 
  2. Give the Call List an ID and a Description for reference then select the persons and entities that should reside on the Call List. 
  3. It is possible to move individuals or individual contact points onto the call list.
  4. Selecting the plus sign next to the person or their contact point on the left or middle sections. 
  5. To rearrange them use the up-down arrows to the right of their name in the contact list you created.
  6. When all people are listed correctly on the Call List, click Done. Repeat as necessary for all Call Lists.

When all information is correctly in place, click NEXT to move to the last section.

User Defined Fields

The final form on the Customer Wizard is the User Defined. The word "User" references the Monitoring Center. 

This page allows you to add fields for data that was otherwise not entered in Manitou.

An example of a User Defined Field would be a blank that says, “Name of Salesperson.” While there are many Monitoring Centers that would benefit from such a field, many others track sales information in other software.

Because no two Monitoring Centers are the same, this page allows additional fields to be added.

Seek guidance from your leadership on how and when to fill any fields that may appear on this page.

There is only one default for this page, and your Monitoring Center may or may not show it. The default is ‘CS Holds Keys’. That checkbox may be beneficial if you are a UL/ULC Monitoring Center.

Additional User Defined Fields may be added in the Supervisor Workstation.

If there are no User-Defined fields for your system, click FINISH. 

If there are, fill out the fields appropriately, then click FINISH.