Script Message Codes

Script Messages offer the ability to send out messages that include data loaded automatically from the event tripped within the system.

  • {DN} = Alarm event date/time - The local time the event occurred in Manitou.
  • {DT} = Event Date – The date the event was sent to Manitou.
  • {DU} = Alarm Event date/time - The UTC time the event occurred in Manitou.
  • {TM} = Event Time – The time the event was sent into Manitou.
  • {AT} = Alarm Event audible type (Silent or Audible)
  • {ET} = Event Description – The description of the alarm event sent into Manitou, such as Burglary Alarm, Fire Alarm, Opening, Closing, etc…
  • {PR} = Event Priority – The priority of the alarm event sent into Manitou.
  • {DE} = Event Code – The Manitou code of the event sent into Manitou, such as BA, FA, MA, PA, *E, etc…
  • {CA} = Event Category – The Event Category that contains the alarm sent into Manitou, such as FIRE, BURG, SYS, etc…
  • {AR} = Event Area – The number of the Area tripped for the event sent into Manitou.
  • {AD} = Area Description – The description of the Area tripped for the event sent into Manitou, such as Main Floor, Warehouse, Basement, etc…
  • {ZN} = Event Zone – The number of the Zone tripped for the event sent into Manitou.
  • {ZD} = Zone Description – The description of the Zone tripped for the event sent into Manitou such as Front Door, Back Door, 3rd Floor Pull Station, etc…
  • {PO} = Event Point ID – The description of the event tied to the Programming Point ID column for the event sent into Manitou 2.x Web client, such as Heat Sensor #3, Water System, etc…
  • {CM} = Event Comment – The description of the person or other comment tied to the event sent into Manitou.
  • {FE} = FEP No. – The number of the Front End Processor that received the event passed into Manitou.
  • {RE} = Receiver No. – The number of the Receiver that received the event passed into Manitou.
  • {LI} = Line No. – The physical line on the Receiver that received the event passed into Manitou.
  • {RL} = RL Prefix – The prefix assigned to the physical line on the receiver or to the DNIS digits.
  • {TX} = Transmitter ID – The account number of the equipment at the location.
  • {TT} = Transmitter Type – The default Transmitter Type assigned to the Transmitter receiving the signal into Manitou.
  • {CN} = Customer ID – The Customer Account Number.
  • {NA} = Customer Name – The display name of the Customer record.
  • {A1} = Customer Address Line 1 – The primary street address for the Customer record.
  • {A2} = Customer Address Line 2 – The secondary street address for the Customer record. Such as: Apartment Number, Suite Number, etc…
  • {A3} = Customer Address Line 3 - The third street address for the Customer record.
  • {CS} = Customer Cross Street
  • {CV} = Customer Subdivision
  • {AC} = Customer City/Town – The city in which the Customer record resides.
  • {AS} = Customer State/Province – The region in which the Customer record resides.
  • {AP} = Customer Zip/Post Code – The zip code or postal code in which the Customer record resides.
  • {CC} = Customer Class Code
  • {CG} = Customer Group Code
  • {PH} = Customer Telephone Number – The primary telephone number for the Customer record.
  • {BC} = Customer A/R Company
  • {BN} = Customer A/R Number
  • {AN} = Alarm Company Name – The name listed on the Monitoring Company record.
  • {RN} = Callback Telephone Number – The number provided to the recipient to call back.
  • {DI} = Dealer ID - The Dealer ID listed on the customer record.
  • {DL} = Dealer Name – The installer listed on the customer record.
  • {BI} = Branch ID - The Branch listed on the customer record.
  • {BR} = Branch Name - The name of the Branch listed on the customer record.
  • {PT} = Panel Type - The Panel type listed for the System on the customer record.
  • {PD} = Panel Description - The Panel description is listed for the System on the customer record.
  • {PC} = Panel Type Comment - The Panel Type comment is listed for the Panel Type listed on the System for the customer record.
  • {YN} = System Number - The number of the system for the event tripped on the customer record.
  • {YD} = System Description - The description of the system for the event tripped on the customer record.
  • {YT} = System Type - The type of system for the event tripped on the customer record.
  • {YI} = System ID - The ID of the system for the event tripped on the customer record.
  • {SN} = Event Sensor - The sensor tripped on the event for the customer record.
  • {DV} - Event Device ID
  • {DD} = Event Device Description
  • {SC} = Event Sector
  • {SD} = Event Sector Description
  • {UC} = Contact Name – The name of the person on the Contact List for the Customer record.
  • {UP} = Contact’s Contact Point - The phone number, or other contact point, of the person on the contact list.
  • {UT} = Contact’s Contact Point Type - Phone, email, or other contact point type of the person on the contact list.
  • {US} = Contact’s Subtype Description - How the person is listed based on the number correlation to the Subtypes form. (Found in the Supervisor Workstation - Subtypes)
  • {UD} = Contact’s Contact ID
  • {VR} = Event Confirmed Status
  • {UL} = UL Grade - Pulls from the UL Grade list found within the Supervisor Workstation that is applied to the customer record.
  • {RT} = UL Response Time
  • {UI} = User/Operator ID – The ID of the Manitou 2.x Web client user.
  • {RD} = Report Description – The name of the report is included in the outgoing email. This is ONLY used for Email body text.
  • {AF} = Attach Data File (When applicable)
  • {ME} = The serial number of the customer record, used for Enhanced Action Pattern (EAP) queries.
  • CLOG{0} = The Customer Activity Log for this current month.
  • CLOG{1} = The Customer Activity Log for the previous month each number in the {} represents how many months back. They must be in order 0, 1, 2, etc...
  • {U1} through {U???} = User Defined Fields – The link to the applicable user Defined field to be included in the outgoing message.

Additional Notes:

  • {CM} is used most often for including the User number or Name on Open/Close and other “user” events.
  • When using DNIS {LI} presents the number 999 for the line.
  • {RN} references a callback number housed on either the dealer or Monitoring company record.
  • {RD} is only for use on the outgoing script for Emails of Reports. Also, no other codes will auto-format within this script message.