PROMPT Masks for Manitou 2.X Web Client Action Patterns

When using the Prompt Action Pattern features in Manitou 2.x Web client a mask is required for the prompt to format correctly.

Prompts are designed to collect information at the time of the alarm. The prompt data will NOT automatically insert the collected data into the Customer Activity Log. In order to insert the collected

data into the Customer Activity Log a LOG Line must contain the specific variables.

Important Information:

Upon selecting Prompt, the prompt requires a variable ID. This is always appended with an @ symbol. This is then referenced by the LOG Action for insertion of the values into the Customer Activity Log. After that, the next requirement is the type of action.

The choices are:

  • Number
  • HEX Number
  • Text
  • Upper Case Text
  • List

When the Mask field is TEXT the following may then be used to limit the entry to a particular range or formatting. The Masking may be any of the following:

  • 0 - Digit placeholder (0-9)
  • & - Any character (space, letter, number, or symbol)
  • A - Any letter or digit (upper or lower case) - entry required
  • a - Any letter or digit (upper or lower case) entry optional
  • 9 - Digit placeholder (0-9) - entry optional
  • C - Any character (space, letter, number, or symbol) - same as &
  • L - Any letter (upper or lower case)

As a shortcut, square brackets surrounding a numeric value act as a ‘repeat.’ For example, C[20] would set a 20-character prompt mask that accepts any character and limits the response to 20 characters in length. ‘00/00/0000’ prompts for a date-like entry.

For List data, the list of possible responses and possible descriptions are required. For example, a simple list would be Yes|No. Notice there is no spacing between the yes and no and the vertical pipe (|) symbol. It is possible to assign values to each list item before the descriptions as well. Such as 1;Yes|0;No to set data values and plain text values, if needed.