SWS - Forms in the Report Menu - System Reports - Activity Reports - Alarm Detail by Alarm Number

The Alarm Detail by Alarm Number Report runs a Report by Alarm Number. The Alarm Number is a unique number that combines the Customer Record Serial Number and the Alarm Sequence Number assigned by Manitou when the alarm arrived.

When this Report is run with the default options, the Report displays grouped by Customer and lists each alarm in sequential order.

Generating an Alarm Detail by Alarm Number Report

Perform the following steps to generate an Alarm Detail by Alarm Number Report:

  1. Navigate to the Reports menu, and select "System Reports".

Result: The "System Reports" Navigation Tree displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Click the "Activity" Navigation Tree Node.

Result: The Activity section of the Navigation Tree expands as displayed in the following screenshot:

  1. Double-click the "Alarm Detail by Alarm Number" Navigation Tree Node.

Result: The Alarm Detail by Alarm Number Report form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. To run an Alarm Detail by Alarm Number Report, enter a beginning value in the "From:" field and an ending value from the "To:" field. The system will report on all items in the selected category that fit between the beginning and ending value.

Note: The Alarm Number digits to the left of the hyphen are the Contract Serial Number. They must be identical in the "From:" and "To:" fields.

  1. Once you have entered all the parameters for your Report, click "Next".

Result: The Distribution Tab displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. For instructions on distributing your Report, refer to the "System Reports" document.