SWS - Forms in the Report Menu - System Reports - Activity Reports - UL Response

The UL Response Report typically is for Alarm Investigators, these will be persons of an Agency. The person subtype that represents “runner” (for which the report will be looking for) is set as one of the two options. The other option is the minimum alarm priority level that requires a UL Runner.

“D-N-A” on a report stands for “Did Not Arrive.” This means that the alarm should have had a runner (investigator), but sent none to Manitou. Therefore, “***” for the Average will be shown when there is one or more D-N-A’s since that average cannot be calculated.

  • You can set the Priority from 1 – 9 with 1 being the highest priority.
  • You need to add an Agency to the customer that has at least one person of type “runner”.

To set up this report option, do the following:
  1. Open the Manitou Supervisor Workstation and click, Tools | Options | Reports.

There are two associated options. The first one that needs to be set is Person Subtype that Represents an Agency Investigator (Runner). This subtype number will need to correspond to a Keyholder Type.

  1. Click Maintenance | Setup | Subtypes | Keyholder Types in the Manitou Supervisor Workstation.

This is the Subtype that you need to associate with a contact on the Agency. When you contact this person or entity to Dispatch, On Location, Clear, it will correspond to the times in the report.

  1. To set the Priority as noted in the first bullet (“Notes” above), you need to set that in the Manitou Supervisor Workstation as well. Click Tools | Options | Reports | Minimum Alarm Priority for UL Response Report.

By putting 9 (the lowest priority) then all alarms priority level 1 – 9 will be included in the report.

Generating a UL Response Report

To configure and run the UL Response Report, do the following:

  1. Click Reports | System Reports | Activity | UL Response.
  2. Enter/select parameters as needed.

Note: The Date checkbox is preselected. If you do not want to designate a specific date and time range for your Report, clear the Date checkbox. Otherwise, enter the date and time range for which you want to run the Report.

  1. If you want, select the Include Details checkbox to maximize the amount of information displayed in your Report.
  2. Click Options. The UL Response Options Settings window appears.
  3. Select/clear options as needed and then click OK. You return to the UL Response


  1. Click Next. The Distribution tab appears. For instructions on distributing your Report, refer to System Reports.
The Advanced Button

Some report forms include an Advanced settings button. Clicking this button results in the display of an Advanced Settings window. Use the Customer User Defined Fields form (click Tools | Options | Account/Creation Maintenance) to customize report fields on Advanced Settings windows.

For instructions on how to access and use the form, refer to System Reports.