SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Time Zones

Time Zones include date and time related parameters that determine how Manitou measures time. Information regarding Daylight Savings is particularly important to Manitou because whether or not people practice Daylight Savings varies from region to region.

Adding and Configuring a New Time Zone

All of the Time Zones that are displayed in the list have already been programmed into Manitou. Please confirm that the Time Zone you want to add does not already exist before you proceed with these instructions.

Perform the following steps to add a new Time Zone:

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance menu, click "Setup" and then click "Time Zones".

Result: The "Time Zone" form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Click "Edit" and then click "Add".

Result: The "Add Time Zone" window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Enter the name for your new Time Zone in the "Time Zone:" field.

Note: The format for this field is: "GMT (+/-)00:00". GMT is an acronym for Greenwich Mean Time, and this field represents the deviation from it.

  1. Enter a description for your new Time Zone into the "Description:" field.

Note: The format for this field is: ND (if Time Zone does not have Daylight Savings) major city or region within Time Zone. For example, if a user wanted to add a new Time Zone for Israel, he would enter the description: "ND Jerusalem".

  1. Enter a GMT deviation in the "Offset from GMT" field.

Note: The user can enter a negative deviation. This number should match the number you entered in the "Time Zone:" field.

  1. Click "OK".

Result: Your newly created Time Zone now displays on the list and as the currently selected item on the Time Zone form as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. If you do not want your new Time Zone to practice Daylight Saving, click "Save", and do not continue with steps 8-14.
  2. If you want your new Time Zone to practice Daylight Saving, select the "DS" checkbox, and enter "60" in the "Adjust" column.
  3. In the "Begin" column, enter either "First" or "Last" depending on the day you want Daylight Saving to begin.

Note: These entries correspond to either the first time the selected day of the week occurs during the month, or the last time.

  1. Click at the right edge of the "DOW" column until a dropdown menu displays. Select the day of the week on which you want Daylight Saving to begin.
  2. Click at the right edge of the "Month" column until a dropdown menu displays. Select the month in which you want Daylight Saving to begin.
  3. In the "Time" column enter the time you want Daylight Saving to begin.
  4. In the "On/After" column, enter the first day of the month on which Daylight Saving can begin.
  5. Complete the "End" columns in the same manner as you did the "Begin" columns.
  6. In the "Effective Date" column, enter "01/01/1900", and click "Save".

Note: Time Zone Daylight Saving Effective Dates are always "01/01/1900" with the exception of a few Time Zones that recently changed their Daylight Saving practices. Review the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

People in the Eastern Time Zone for the U.S. and Canada changed their Daylight Saving practices in 2007. Until that year, people began Daylight Savings in April and ended in October. After 2007, people in the Eastern Time Zone begin in March and end in November.