Action Patterns

Important Information

When creating a new Action Pattern there is a new option of “Critical First Contact” that when selected forces the first action pattern line to begin as soon as the alarm loads, without the need for an operator to begin the action. 

There is a new General Schedule type called “Action Pattern” and it is available on the Company, Dealer, and Customer records. This may be used for many items in the Manitou 2.x Action Patterns.

Manitou 2.x now organizes the Action Pattern items into groups based on what they do. These groups contain the items that pertain to the grouping.

Alarm Handling

The alarm Handling section contains actions related to the processing of the alarm. Defer (New Command to Manitou 2.0)

  • Normal - Returns the alarm to the alarm queue as if the alarm operator pressed (or clicked) Hold then Defer. If the alarm is the oldest highest priority alarm in the queue the alarm will return to the tracked operator. 
  • To Operator - Returns the alarm to the alarm operator. This is generally used when Notification actions are completed and there are other actions that the Virtual Operator could do but it is important that an Operator receive and review the alarm.
  • To AutoClient (Virtual Operator) - Works as the manual process did in the legacy system where the operator was able to send the alarm to the Virtual Operator for completion of actions that do not require human-to-human interactions.

Suspend has two changes in Manitou 2.0:

  1. Suspend Until is now managed through a General Schedule. This allows the ability to have different times based on the day of the week, time of the day, and even the date.
  2. New to Manitou 2.0 is the ability to change the Priority within the Suspend command. This allows the ability to lower the alarm priority of the alarm, after it is actioned, to ensure that the newer alarms are not overtaken by the older alarm when the suspension expires.

No changes to the close command in Manitou 2.x


No changes to the Escalate command in Manitou 2.x. 

For those unfamiliar with the Escalate command, this allows the ability to “Create a New Alarm” on the current, or a completely new, account as needed. The new alarm can be of higher, or lower, priority, as required.

For example, if the original alarm was a Panic alarm, the “escalate” may be to a Panic Follow Up (lower priority) alarm to wait 20 minutes, to allow for police response, and then to make contact with responsible parties. Another example may be, an elevator entrapment that is escalated to a Medical alarm (higher priority) based on feedback from the person on the other end of the call.

Entity Handling

An entity is any person, business, authority, agency, or agent, that responds to a location for alarm processing.


Contact assumes a two-way conversation whether by telephone, SMS, IM, or other means.

Notify (New to Manitou 2.0)

Notify is an outbound one-way communication where no response is expected and only works on specific contact points.


In Manitou 2.0 the Contact Report may now be sent to a Call List instead of a single individual.

Action Handling

Action Handling focuses on items specific to steps taken to continue the alarm process moving forward.

Include (Changed in Manitou 2.0)

Include simply adds an Action Pattern to be included within another action pattern. Please note all logic items related to an included Action Pattern are now part of the Enhanced Action Pattern features.

Data Handling

Data Handling focuses on specific data items to display during alarm handling.


Show contains the display items found under the show commands in the legacy Manitou system.


Prompt allows the ability to display prompts to operators for data collection during alarm handling, such as: “Will you be able to Meet the authority at the Location? Yes/No” “What color car are you driving?” “What is your expected time of arrival?”.


A Remark allows the ability to note why, or when a change is made to an Action Pattern. This information does NOT display in the Action Pattern during an alarm.

Log Line (Changed in Manitou 2.0)

The Log Line allows the ability to insert items from the Prompts into the alarm activity. This can be run automatically to prevent any operator failure to include this information in the alarm processing.