Dealer Master File

The Dealer Master File report returns the details for the Dealer, or Dealers, selected.

Report Parameters

  • Dealer ID - Which dealer, or dealers, to include.
  • Dealer Name - Displays the name of the dealer(s) selected in Dealer ID.
  • City- This is the date the account was initially entered into Manitou.  The date, or range of dates, that pull together the data for the report output.  
  • State- This date, or range of dates, search for the accounts saved within that period to pull together the data for the report output.

  • Mail Format - Produces the report results with the customer, or Mail To, address formatted to show in a window envelope.  
  • Suppress Passwords Recommended - This removes the passwords from the report results.  
  • Page Breaks - Report results will start a new page at each customer record.  


The Report options allow the inclusion, or exclusion, of the sub-reports in the report results.