SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Monitoring Groups

Manitou uses Monitoring Group designations to categorize and distribute signals to specific Operator groups. At the time Manitou is installed, it has a default Monitoring Group setting of 0. If no other Monitoring Groups are defined, no specific distribution of signals can occur. If the user adds additional Monitoring Groups, he can then route specific Customer signal traffic to specific Operator Workstations. Therefore, the user must connect Monitoring Groups to specific Workstations and not to specific Operators.

Adding a Monitoring Group

Perform the following steps to add a Monitoring Group to Manitou:

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance menu, click "Setup", then click "Monitoring Groups".

Result: The "Monitoring Groups" form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Click "Edit" and then click "Add".

Result: Your new Monitoring Group displays in the list and displays as the currently selected item on the "Monitoring Group" form as shown in the following screenshot: Note: When a new Monitoring Group is added, Manitou automatically assigns the next sequential number for the new Monitoring Group.

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Enter a name for your new Monitoring Group into the "Description:" field
  2. Enter any comments you want to include into the "Comments:" field.
  3. If you want, select the "Generate warning if Operator not logged onto this Monitoring Group" checkbox.

Note: Selecting this checkbox enables Manitou to display a Watchdog Message if an Operator from this Monitoring Group is not logged into the system at the time a signal is received.

  1. If you want, select the "Do not overflow to Monitoring Group 0 if no Alarm Handler is available for this group" checkbox.

Note: Selecting this checkbox restricts Manitou from sending signals to another Monitoring Group in the event it receives a signal, and no Operator from your new Monitoring Group is logged in to handle it.

  1. Click "Save".
Adding a Workstation to an Existing Monitoring Group

Perform the following steps to add a new Workstation to an existing Monitoring Group:

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance menu and select "Workstations".
  2. Click "Edit".
  3. Select the Workstation you want to add to a Monitoring Group.
  4. Click at the right edge of the "Mon. Group" field on the line that contains your selected Workstation.

Result: A dropdown menu displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Select the Monitoring Group to which you want to add the Workstation and click "Save".

Note: You must also add the Workstation to the Customer Record in the OWS.