Dealer Billing Preview

The Dealer Billing Preview report lists all transactions ready to be posted to accounting for Manitou CS dealer billing.  Run this before the Dealer Billing Generate.

This requires accounting integration.

Report Parameters

  • Dealer ID - filters the report to the dealer(s) selected.  
  • Customer ID - filters the report for the customer(s) ID(s) selected. 
  • Customer Name - rarely used separately from the Customer ID.  The name(s) display after the selection of the Customer ID(s).
  • Order by - determines how the report results present.  By Customer, Charge Type, or Billing Code.
  • Mailable Report - produces the report in a format that if printed will fit in standard window business envelopes.
  • Page Break After Each Dealer - sets the output to start a new page at each dealer.  
  • Compact Format - reduces the amount of white-space produced in the results.
  • Skip Zero Amounts - ignores any values that are equal to zero.
  • Dealer - allows the addition or removal of specific report results. 
    • Details - includes all the relevant details.
    • Charge Type Summary - summarizes the results by charge types.  
    • Billing Code Summary - summarizes the results to the billing codes.
  • Grand Totals - allows the select of how the results will total the results.  
    • Total Amount - totals all.
    • Charge Type Summary - totals by Charge Type.
    • Billing Code Summary - totals by Billing Code.

Dealer and Grand Totals allow multi-select of values.