Dealer Programming

The Dealer Programming section within the Dealer interface contains all the Dealer-level items that trigger Action Patterns. You use this to select and edit programming information. This is a simpler interface than the programming associated with Customer records because Dealer programming only deals with Action Patterns, not signal reassignment.

You can change Event Programming at the Dealer level to specify how particular types of alarms are handled, whether detailed in a report, sent to an email, and so on.

  • Event – The Manitou Event Code associated with alarm.
  • Alarm – The applicable value for the alarm. This value indicates to the system whether or not this event will trigger an alarm or just display in the log as a signal. The Default value tells the system to treat the event as whatever the system default is. For example, a BA (Burglar Alarm) would always be an alarm unless otherwise defined; so, left at “Default” value BA continues to always trigger an alarm. Change the value to “No” and BA will only log as a signal instead of being displayed and handled as an alarm.
  • Action ID – An identifier for an Action Pattern tied to alarm type. Global and Dealer-level Action Patterns are available.
  • Instructions – Specific directions for the event.
  • Event Category – The assigned group for an event. This assists with management of Monitoring Groups and Disaster Mode.