Dealer Programming

The Dealer Programming form contains the Event Actions Programming and Post Processing actions related to the Dealer.

Event Actions Programming

Event Actions Programming overrides the company specified Action Patterns and alarm state.  Event Actions Programming should be used sparingly and only when a global item cannot manage the dealer's requirement.  

Adding Event Actions Programming to a Dealer

  1. Click the Pencil (✏️) icon, located on the upper-right-hand corner of the Event Actions Programming card.
  2. Find, enter, or select the event code to override.
  3. Select the Alarm value.  
    • Default - Uses the alarm status of the event code.  
    • No - Forces the event to log to history as a signal.
    • Yes - Forces the event to deliver as an alarm to an operator. 
    • Residential - Forces the event to alarm for ONLY residential accounts.
    • Commercial/Other - Forces the event to alarm for all types EXCEPT Residential accounts.
  4. Set the Action Pattern to use when an alarm presents to the operator.
  5. If necessary, add any additional alarm instructionsThis should be used RARELY, and contain information that the operator MUST know to process the alarm and cannot be include in the Action Pattern.  
  6. Repeat 1-5 as required by clicking Add.
  7. Click Done.
  8. Save (💾) the record.

Post Processing 

The Post Processing allows automated actions on specific event categories for automating responses or taking additional actions.  

Adding Post Processing Actions to a Dealer

  1. Click the Pencil icon (✏️) located on the upper-right-hand corner of the Post Processing card.
  2. Select the Event Category to apply Post Processing.
  3. Select the Action ID - This must have an action pattern for successful completion.
  4. Repeat as required by clicking Add.
  5. Click Done.
  6. Save (💾) the Record.