SWS - Forms in the Tools Menu - Options

Account Creation/Maintenance
  • Auto-generate contract number - When "Yes" is selected, this option automatically generates a contract number (Customer ID) for each new Customer Record entered. This number matches the serial number of the record in the database. The automatic number may be overridden when first entering the new Customer Record by manually typing a contract number into the Customer ID field.
  • Contact (Person/Individual) user-defined fields - The Manitou System Administrator uses this option to create either text fields or checkbox fields. This option exists to add additional Central Station specific information into Customer Records. A Central Station may employ up to 200 user-defined fields.
  • Customer user-defined fields - This option allows System Administrators to create additional fields or checkboxes that display on Report forms with an "Advanced" button. This option exists to add additional Central Station specific information into Customer Records. A Central Station may employ up to 200 user-defined fields.
  • Display customer logs in their local time - When "Yes" is selected, this option defaults to the Customer's local time zone regardless of Workstation time zone settings. Selecting "Yes" also affects which time zone information shows for Reports relating to Customer log information. The Customer's time zone displays on Reports rather than the Monitoring Company's time zone.
  • Drop down to combination search/data entry field threshold - This option changes how the Authority, Dealer, and Branch options are selected on the Details page of the Customer Record. When the number of records of a specific type is less than the threshold number (default = 25), then the required record may be chosen from a pick list. When the number of records of type exceeds the threshold number, then Manitou provides a search function.
  • Maximum number of days of log information to transfer from system account to new customer account - Sets the maximum number of days of Customer log information that transfers to a new Customer’s account when Transmitter information is not on file or when a new Transmitter is added to a Customer.
  • New Customer Monitoring Status - The option determines the default monitoring status when a new Customer is added. The options are: "Always Active", "Always Pending", "Default Active", and "Default Pending".
  • Require Customer edit comments -When "Yes" is selected, this option requires the Operator to enter comments into the Notes dialog whenever he edits and saves changes to a Customer Record.
  • Require Operator to type password before validation - When "Yes" is selected, this option displays a password verification dialog box whenever the Operator attempts to edit a Customer Record. When "No" is selected, the dialog box still displays, but is prepopulated.
  • Require password before viewing a Customer - When "Yes" is selected, the Operator must enter a password before viewing a Customer Record.
  • Accounting company ID required - When "Yes" is selected, this option requires an Accounting Company ID for each Customer.
  • Display accounting status - When "Yes" is selected, this option displays of accounting status data on the Alarm form and the Customer Record.
Alarm Handling
  • Alarm handling mode - This option allows you to select whether Alarm Handling status is activated only in Alarm Handling, or in both Alarm Handling and the Alarm Queue.
  • Alarm Notifications - This option allows you to select how Operators get notified when an Alarm arrives and what kind of Operator acknowledgement is required. The options are "Pop-up Dialog", "Ribbon (Acknowledgement is Optional)", "Ribbon (Acknowledgement is Optional)", "Ribbon (Acknowledge Notification Before Next Action)", and "Ribbon (Acknowledge Notification Before Closing Alarm)".
  • Alarm queue display style - The options for display style are "Detailed" and "Summary by Master Customer". The detailed option displays all active alarms for a particular Monitoring Group. The summary option shows one Alarm per Master Customer.
  • Alarm queue event color scheme - The options for the color scheme are "Default", "Age-Based", and "Event-Based". Age-based coloring utilizes the color style defined in the Manitou CS Alarm Queue color options. Event-based coloring utilizes the Alarm color style defined in Event Codes for each event and also an LED indicator to show aging based on the Manitou CS Alarm Queue color options.
  • All action pattern commands are optional - Selecting "Yes" allows Operators to close Alarms without completing Action Pattern items.
  • Allow Autoclient to close alarms that have "system ignored" actions - Selecting "No" means Alarms with "system ignored" actions are deferred back to the Operator at the time the Autoclient receives a close Action Pattern command.
  • Allow Operator validated pre-cancels - Selecting "Yes" allows Operator password validation for pre-cancels.
  • Allow operator-validated temporary schedule changes - Selecting "Yes" allows Operator password validation for temporary schedule changes.
  • Ask for Fire Reference - Selecting "Yes" results in the system prompting an Alarm Handling Operator for additional contact information when a Fire Authority has been contacted.
  • Ask for Medical Reference - Selecting "Yes" results in the system prompting an Alarm Handling Operator for additional contact information when a Medical Authority has been contacted.
  • Ask for Police Reference - Selecting "Yes" results in the system prompting an Alarm Handling Operator for additional contact information when a Police Authority has been contacted.
  • Auto Dial Auto-Dialer - Selecting "Yes" results in the system automatically initiating a call in the Auto-Dialer without Operator intervention.
  • Auto-client continues processing alarm even if maintenance issues exist for account - Selecting "Yes" means that maintenance issues will not cause the Autoclient to defer an Alarm back to the Operator.
  • Automatically transfer two-way audio call - Selecting "Yes" transfers two-way audio associated with an Alarm to the Operator's extension when the Alarm is handled.
  • Call attempt count - This option defines the minimum number of failed call attempts before the Operator is prompted to determine if the action is complete.
  • Call List Must Contact - Selecting "Yes" results in the system requiring that call list contacts denoted as "Must Contact" need to be actioned during Action Pattern processing, even if the Alarm is canceled.
  • Check for audio alarms in alarm handling - If this option is turned On, the system will check for audio alarms for the same account in alarm handling and prompt the operator to switch to the audio alarm if one is found.
  • Default PSAP Service - The option defines the default number lookup system to be employed by PSAP.
  • Disable Auto-Purge of Pre-Cancel - Selecting "Yes" prevents the system from purging pre-cancel Alarms when a canceled Alarm is closed and no other Alarms for the Customer are outstanding.
  • Disable prompting the user to send contact extension when auto-dialing - Selecting "Yes" means that if a contact's phone number contains an extension, the system will not display the usual message box prompting the Operator to send the extension as part of the Action Pattern.
  • Duress Code Policy - The Duress Code Policy is a text-entry field. Enter the text you want to display to an Operator after he verifies a Duress Password while processing an Alarm.
  • Force password validation if last Operator is logging off in Monitoring group - Selecting "Yes" means the system will prompt the Operator for his password if he is the last member of a Monitoring Group to log off.
  • Maximum number of call list levels - This option defines how many nested levels of call lists can exist when an Operator processes call list actions for an Alarm.
  • Maximum open alarms - This option defines how many active Alarm forms an Operator can have open at any one time.
  • Monitoring group overflow allowed- Selecting "Yes" enables the system to send Alarms from Monitoring Groups other than 0 to Monitoring Group 0 if no Alarm Handlers are active at the time the Alarm is received. This allows for part-time monitoring of certain signals by other staff.
  • Off-test warning - This option defines the number of minutes after an expired On Test event before the system warns the Operator that the Customer was recently put On Test.
  • Require comments when closing an alarm - Selecting "Yes" means the system forces Operators to enter comments prior to closing any Alarm.
  • Require resolution code when closing an alarm - Selecting "Yes" means the system forces Operators to enter a Resolution Code prior to closing any Alarm.
  • Schedule Change Requirements by Type - In the "Required" column, select the types of Events for which the system will require a Temporary Schedule change. In the "Warning"column, enter the maximum number of hours the Temporary Schedule change will last. If exceeded, the system generates a warning to the Operator. The maximum duration is 23 hours. If set to 0 hours, the system will not generate an Operator warning.

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Note: Checkboxes in the "Required" column must be selected in order for the "Extend Schedule" functionality to be enabled for that Event Type in the Operator Workstation.

  • Schedule Change to be Applied to All Schedules - Selecting "Yes" means that the system applies an Alarm Handling quick schedule change to all other pending events of the same type.
  • UL warning text - This option defines the UL warning text that displays to an Operator when he handles an Alarm for a UL Customer.
Alarm Tracking
  • Alarm Tracking Cancellation - This option defines how the cancellation of Customer Alarm tracking occurs. Your options are "Ask", "Don't ask - cancel", and "Don't ask - don't cancel". The "Ask" option means that the system asks the Operator if he wants to continue tracking the Customer after he completes the last Alarm for the Customer Record. "Don't ask - cancel" means the system cancels Customer tracking without asking the Operator if he wants to continue it. "Don't ask - don't cancel" means the system continues to track the Customer after the Operator handles the last Alarm and does not ask him whether he wants to continue tracking.
  • Alarm tracking mode - This option defines whether every Alarm opened by an Operator is then tracked to that Operator. If "Automatic" is selected, every Alarm an Operator opens tracks back to that Operator. If "Manual" is selected, the Operator must manually select the Tracking form on the Operator Workstation while in Alarm Handling mode, and then select the Customer Record.
  • Alarm Tracking Timeout - This option defines the number of minutes that Alarm tracking remains active with no outstanding Alarms for the Customer.
  • Limbo tracking option - This option defines the minimum Alarm priority that causes Limbo Tracking to be released. For example, if it is set to 3, and an Alarm is received with priority 3, any Limbo Tracking entries that would otherwise have tracked the Alarm are released and the Alarm becomes immediately available for handling. When this option is set to 0, new Alarms never cause Limbo Tracking entries to be released.
  • Limbo tracking timeout - This option defines how many seconds tracking holds on an Operator Workstation between log out and login before dropping tracking.
Color Options

If you click the "Tools" menu and select "Options", the following window automatically displays:

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Use this form to customize the color coding that is displayed in SWS. Select a foreground and background color. When you finish modifying the color palette, click "Save".

Contact Point Device Defaults
  • AutoText Default Output Device Type - This option defines the default Output Device Type for AutoText. Your choices are: "APCO-ALARM" and "MEDIAGATEWAY".
  • AutoText Default Script Message - This option defines the default script text for AutoText.
  • AutoText Default Service Provider Device - This option defines the default Service Provider Device for AutoText. Your choices are: "APCO-ALARM", "AUTOSIM", "AUTOTEXT", and "OPENVOICE".
  • OpenVoice Default Output Device Type - This option defines the default Output Device Type for OpenVoice. Your choices are: "APCO-ALARM" and "MEDIAGATEWAY".
  • OpenVoice Default Script Message - This option defines the default script text for OpenVoice.
  • OpenVoice Default Service Provider Device - This option defines the default Service Provider Device for OpenVoice. Your choices are: "APCO-ALARM", "AUTOSIM", "AUTOTEXT", and "OPENVOICE".

This information is populated from the Country settings defined in the Monitoring Company record in the Operator Workstation. It is read-only.

  • Customer with "Pending" status to be made "Active" upon receipt of a signal - This option defines when to set a Customer's status to "Active" based on receiving a signal. Your choices are: "Never", "Any Signal", and "Not On Test Signal".
  • Default On-Test Time - This option defines the default duration in hours for placing a Customer On Test.
  • Monitoring Company person may access dealer accounts - Select "Yes" to allow representatives from a Monitoring Company to access Customers assigned to Dealer via VRT or the Web.
  • On-Test Protection - The On-Test Protection feature presents a dialog message to technicians who attempt to put an account On-Test from BoldNet or BoldNetMobile if no open service tickets exist for the account in SedonaOffice. For the dialog message associated with On-Test Protection to display, you must first enable the option in the Manitou Supervisor Workstation.

Perform the following steps to enable the “On-Test Protection” feature:

  1. Open the Supervisor Workstation.
  2. Navigate to the “Tools” menu, and select “Options” as shown in the following screenshot:

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Result: The following form displays:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Expand the “General” node in the Navigation Tree as shown in the following screenshot: A white text on a white backgroundDescription automatically generated
  2. Select the “On-Test Protection” option.

Result: The “On-Test Protection” option displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Click “Edit”.
  2. Select “Yes”.
  3. Click “Save”.

Note: The following conditions must be met for the dialog message to display, as described:

  • The user attempting to place the account On-Test must be designated as a “Technician” in the “Type” field on the Monitoring Company “Contact List” form.
  • The technician must be attempting to place the account On-Test from either BoldNet or BoldNetMobile.
  • The account the technician is placing On-Test must be linked to a SedonaOffice account.
  • Script Message for Maintenance Issue Assignment - This option allows you to create a script message and to send it to a technician when a new or updated Maintenance Issue is assigned to him. Open the Maintenance Issues section of this document to access more information about the following topic:"Sending a Script Message for a New Maintenance Issue".
  • Statistics - Customers to display for 'top' lists - This option defines the maximum number of Customers to display for 'top' lists of Customers with Alarms or with False Alarms.
  • Statistics - Days used to calculate 'top' lists - This option defines the number of days used to calculate 'top' lists of Customers with Alarms or with False Alarms.
  • Location Services Key - Enter the license key for Location Services here.
  • Mapping Types - This option defines the type of mapping software Manitou uses for Location Services. Your choices are: "MAPPOINT", "BOLDTRAK", "BING", and "GOOGLE". This setting does not apply to Disaster Mode setup in the Operator Workstation.
Output Details
  • Email - From Address - Use this option to enter the return email address you want to display on outgoing email messages. If you change this value, your changes will not take effect until you restart the Publisher.
  • Email - From Name - Use this option to enter the company name for the Central Station you want to display on all outgoing emails. If you change this value, your changes will not take effect until you restart the Publisher.
  • Email - Subject Includes Customer's Street Address and City - Select "Yes" to include the Customer's Street Address and City information with the standard email subject.
  • Fax - Company Name - Use this option to enter the company name for the Central Station you want to display on all outgoing faxes.
  • Fax - Delivery Report Address - Use this option to define the address to which you want fax delivery confirmations sent.
  • Fax - Delivery Report Type - Use this option to define the manner in which you want fax delivery confirmations reported. Your choices are: "Email" and "MAPI".
  • Fax - Department Name - Use this option to enter the department name within the Central Station you want to display on all outgoing faxes.
  • Fax - From Name - Use this option to enter the name of the individual sender you want to display on all outgoing faxes.
  • Pager - Company Name - Use this option to enter the Central Station name you want to display on all pager text messages.
  • Pager - Default Message - Use this option to define the pager message you want to go out to alpha text pagers when no other pager message applies.
  • Publisher File Directory - Use this option to define the location on the server hard drive where you want the Report Publisher to store its temporary files for faxing, emailing, and publishing.
  • Third-Party Fax Driver Details - Use this option to define a third-party faxing software solution if you determine that the default faxing options do not meet your needs. The third-party driver software documentation will provide specific details about what information you must enter here.

Use the options available on this form to define the minimum complexity requirements for passwords and account lockout rules.

When you select the Enhanced Security checkbox, the following applies:

  • You cannot use letter or number sequences (for example, 567 or ghi).
  • You cannot use any previous passwords.
  • You cannot use the user name as part of the password (for example, User1 cannot have a password of User159).
  • The password can’t contain the User ID itself.
  • The User ID must be at least six characters.
  • The password can’t be “password.”

Note: The Enhanced Security option is per a UL 1981 requirement.

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  • Alarm activity detail to keep (days) - Use this option to define the number of days you want the system to keep Alarm Activity details for analysis purposes.
  • Database backup instructions - This informational field contains the programming language string required to complete a proper database backup. This option is for informational purposes only. The database backup does not actually run from this information. This is utilized only if replication is not implemented for the Monitoring Company.
  • Database backup time of the day - This informational field contains the time the database backup is set to run. The database backup does not actually run from this information. This is utilized only if replication is not implemented for the Monitoring Company.
  • Number of days before purging temporary open/close schedules - This option defines the number of days you want expired temporary Open/Close schedule entries to remain in the system before they are purged.
  • Number of hours before purging expired reminders - This option defines the number of hours you want expired reminders to remain in the system before they are purged.
  • Number of days before purging expired temporary comments - This option defines the number of hours you want expired temporary comments to remain in the system before they are purged.
  • Number of hours to keep completed scheduled reports - This option defines the number of hours you want completed Scheduled Reports to remain in the system before they are purged.
  • Number of hours to keep failed reports - This option defines the number of hours you want failed Reports to remain in the system before the system before they are purged. We do not recommend setting this option to zero because the system will likely purge the Reports before you have a chance to review them and determine the cause of the failure.
  • Number of hours to keep on-demand reports - This option defines the number of hours you want On-Demand Reports to remain in the system before the system before they are purged.
  • Number of hours to keep previewed reports - This option defines the number of hours you want Previewed Reports to remain in the system before the system before they are purged.
  • Number of months of customer logs to keep - This option defines the number of calendar months you want Customer Logs to remain in the system before they are purged. If set to zero, the Customer Logs will never purge.
  • Number of months of raw data to keep - Raw Data Logs display Receiver signals in their raw form. This option defines the number of calendar months you want Raw Data Logs to remain in the system before they are purged.
  • Number of months of system logs to keep - System Logs contain login and log out information as well as results from the Report server. This option defines the number of calendar months you want System Logs to remain in the system before they are purged.
  • Paged Contacts Expiration - This option defines the number of minutes after which the system should purge non-responding paged contacts. The minimum value for this option is ten minutes.
  • Include primary receiver line prefix/transmitter ID with customer name - This option defines whether and how to display the primary Transmitter's Receiver Line Prefix/Transmitter ID with the Customer name on selected Reports. Your choices are "0=No", "1=Beginning", and "2=End". If you select "0", the Receiver Line Prefix and Transmitter details will not display in your Report. If you select "1" or "2", the Receiver Line Prefix and Transmitter details display at either the beginning or the end of the Customer name, respectively.
  • Maximum report size - This option defines the maximum number of megabytes a Report may be before it is automatically aborted.
  • Report segment size - This option defines the maximum number of megabytes a Report may be before it is automatically separated into segments.
  • Script for e-mail body text - This option defines the script the system uses for Report e-mail body content.
  • Size, in kilobytes, at which reports will zip for email publication - Zipping a Report reduces its size. This option defines the maximum number of kilobytes an RTF-type Report may be before it is automatically zipped for email distribution. When set to "0", the system will always zip Reports for emailing. When set to "-1", the system will never zip Reports for emailing.
  • Sort order of reports - This option defines the order in which Customers display on the Alarm Detail, Alarm Activity, and Customer Masterfile Reports when sorted by Contract ID. Your choices are "Numeric" and "Alpha". If you select "Numeric", the following order will display: "1", "2", "10", "Bob", "Acme", and "11Test". If you select "Alpha" the following order will display: "1", "10", 11Test", "2", "Acme", and "Bob".
  • Fast Fire - This option defines the maximum number of seconds an Operator has to respond to a fire emergency that requires an immediate Authority response.
  • Fast Other - This option defines the maximum number of seconds an Operator has to respond to a non-fire, non-panic/social emergency that requires an immediate Authority response.
  • Fast Panic/Social - This option defines the maximum number of seconds an Operator has to respond to a panic/social emergency that requires an immediate Authority response.
  • Medium Fire - This option defines the maximum number of seconds an Operator has to respond to a fire emergency that does not require an immediate Authority response.
  • Medium Other - This option defines the maximum number of seconds an Operator has to respond to a non-fire, non-panic/social emergency that does not require an immediate Authority response.
  • Medium Panic/Social - This option defines the maximum number of seconds an Operator has to respond to a panic/social emergency that does not require an immediate Authority response.
Signal Processing
  • Address lookup for GPS signals and alarms - If this option is set to Yes, address lookup is performed for signals and alarms. If set to No, address lookup is performed for alarms only.
  • Auto-generate On Test and Off Test signals when a Customer goes On and Off Test - Auto-generate On Test (*OTS – On Test Started), Off Test (*OTE – On Test Expired), and (*OTR – On Test Removed) signals for when the customer goes On and Off Test. The default value is No.
  • Cancel and abort time limit - This option defines the maximum number of minutes during which Alarms may be automatically canceled or aborted due to signal processing attributes or the transmitter programming Restore command. If you want to disable the time limit, enter "0".
  • Cancellation of a CanCancel alarm can occur across different transmitters - If this option is turned on, the cancellation of a CanCancel alarm can occur regardless of which customer transmitter the CanCancel and following Cancel signal(s) are received on. Along with CanCancel/Cancel, Reset Timeout is also affected in the same way by this option. Programming that is restricted to a specific transmitter still requires that specific transmitter to take effect. The default value is No, requiring a Cancel signal to be received on the same transmitter as the CanCancel alarm came in on.
  • Check transmitter default event programming before dealer event programming - If you select "Yes", the system checks default transmitter event programming before Dealer event programming if it finds no other Customer event programming.
  • Do not bypass duplicate event check for video or audio alarms - If you select "Yes", the system will perform duplicate checks for Audio/Video associated Alarms.
  • Dual reporting signal timeout - This option defines the maximum number of seconds the Signal Handler will wait for the second signal before Reporting it as missing.
  • Early Close window - This option determines the maximum number of minutes prior to a "May Close" or "May Open/Close" window that a close type signal generates an Early Close Event instead of an Unscheduled Close Event. This applies to Customers with the Open/Close Monitoring Service not set to "Record".
  • Early Open window - This option determines the maximum number of minutes prior to a "May Open", "May Open/Close" or "May Open/Close Once" window that an open type signal generates an Early Open Event instead of an Unscheduled Open Event.
  • Fill caller ID 1 - If you select "Yes", the Signal Handler automatically fills the Caller ID 1 field on a Transmitter if both Caller ID1 and Caller ID 2 are empty.
  • Generate alarm event upon expiration of temporary comment follow-up date - If you selected "Yes", the system generates an Alarm Event when a temporary comment follow-up date expires.
  • Generate duplicate alarms - This option defines whether duplicate Alarms generate a new Alarm or be logged while an identical Alarm is currently outstanding. If you select "No", the system prevents the same Alarm from being presented to an Operator while an identical Alarm is still outstanding.
  • Generate duplicate events - This option defines whether duplicate Events generate a new Event or be logged while an identical Event is currently outstanding. If you select "No", the system prevents the same Event from being presented to an Operator while an identical Event is still outstanding.
  • Generate Maintenance List Items - This option defines which Maintenance List items the Signal Handler creates for signals received without a corresponding Monitoring Service. Your choices are "Neither Open/Close nor Test Signals", "Open/ Close Signals", "Test Signals", and "Open/Close and Test Signals".
  • Ignore caller ID mismatches - If you select "Yes", the system will not force Alarms for signals received with Call ID information that matches another Customer or does not match the Caller ID information of the signal's Transmitter.
  • Late Close window - This option defines how many minutes after a "Must Close" window a close type signal generates a Late Close Event instead of an Unscheduled Close Event.
  • Late Open window - This option defines how many minutes after a "Must Open" window an open type signal generates a Late Open Event instead of an Unscheduled Close Event.
  • Log signals that are not on file - If you select "Yes", the system logs signals that arrive for a Transmitter or Receiver Line Prefix not found within the system.
  • Number of minutes to search for binary clips when trying to append them - You use this option to enter the number of minutes you want to look for binary clips when trying to append to them. This should not be greater than a month's time.
  • Pre-cancel time-out - This option defines the number of minutes before a pre-cancel automatically expires.
  • Prevent duplicate video alarms from being forced to Operator - If you select "Yes", the system prevents duplicate video Alarms from being forced to an Operator.
  • Prevent the system from forcing Video and Audio associated alarms to an Operator screen - If you select "Yes", the system prevents Video and Audio being forced to the Operator. This allows the AutoClient to take initial action on Alarms where possible.
  • Redirect event codes for non-intelligent panels - If you select "Yes", the system displays the Event Category column on the Zones list in Customer Maintenance and the Redirect Code on the Event Codes form of the Supervisor Workstation. This allows Events from non-intelligent panels to be programmed with minimal Transmitter programming lines.
  • Runaway inter-signal time - This option defines the minimum number of seconds the system requires before determining the Customer is in runaway condition. If a signal arrives during this timeout period of the previous signal for the same Transmitter, the system increments the runaway count. If the signal arrives outside of this timeout period, the runaway count is reset to 1.
  • Runaway signal count - This option defines the minimum number of signals after which the system recognizes that the Customer is in runaway mode. If you set the runaway signal count to 0 or 1, no runaway count can be generated. The runaway count is tallied by Transmitter, and not for the Customer as a whole.
  • Track additional panel statuses - If you select "Yes", the system tracks Bypass and Trouble statuses in addition to Unrestored Alarms. If tracked, these statuses display on the Zone Status form of the Customer Record, in the Summary form on the Customer status window that shows on the main Alarm form, and on the main Customer Address form.
  • Two-trip signal timeout - This option defines the number of seconds after which the Signal Handler considers a second or following signal to be a valid Alarm. following the receipt of a first round two-trip signal. The first round signal is always logged. If the second signal does not arrive within this time period, no Alarm will generate. The signals must be for the same Two-Trip ID, have the same Event Category, and come from the same Transmitter.
  • Dealer billing by monitoring service - If you select "Yes", Dealer Billing will be done by Monitoring.
  • Dealer billing prorating - If you select "Yes", Dealer Billing charges will be prorated based on when the services start or end. If there is no start date entered and the service is denoted as chargeable, service begins at the time of entry. If a start date is specified, the service begins on the specified start date.
  • Dealer billing standard annual cycle - This option defines in which month the Standard Annual Dealer Billing Cycle should begin.
  • Dealer billing standard quarter cycle - This option defines in which month the Standard Quarterly Dealer Billing Cycle should begin.
  • Dealer billing standard semi-annual cycle - This option defines in which month the Standard Semi-Annual Dealer Billing Cycle should begin.
  • Dealer billing summary billing - If you select "Yes", the system generates Dealer Billing invoices in summary format for recurring charges.
  • Do not warn if alarm arrives for deactivated customer - If you select "Yes", the system will not notify the Operators that an Alarm arrived for a Deactivated Customer.
  • DragonFly Customer Type - Specifies the type of Customer (Residential, Commercial, and so on).
  • DragonFly Key - This string can be any value and you use it for calculating the signature to verify validity.
  • DragonFly Receiver Line Prefix - This selection will determine the Receiver Line Prefix of the Transmitter of the Customer that is to be created/updated.
  • DragonFly System Monitoring Type - The Monitoring Type used for the Monitoring Service tied to the System and is created automatically when generating a new DragonFly Customer.
  • DragonFly Token - This string can be any value and is used for calculating the signature to verify validity.
  • DragonFly Transmitter Type - This selection will determine the Transmitter Type of the Transmitter of the Customer that is to be created/updated.
  • DragonFly Video Monitoring Type - The Monitoring Type used for the Monitoring Service tied to a Transmitter (if the DragonFly Transmitter Type supports video).
  • Last overdue signal check - This option defines the last expected Event time that the system checked for overdue signals. Use this tool when the Overdue Checker has been closed for any length of time. Setting this option to the current date and time prevents the Overdue Checker from going back to the very last time it looked for overdue signals and sending in a large quantity of Overdue Alarms.
  • Next dealer billing cycle to generate - This read-only option displays the year and month of the next billing cycle to generate.
  • PBX assistant - This option defines for which Operator types the PBX Assistant is active to display the call control panel. Your choices are: "Central Station Operator", "Dealer Restricted Operator", and "Branch Restricted Operator".
  • PBX Assistant Auto-Ready - This option defines when an agent's availability is automatically set to ready. Your choices are: "Never", "At Logon", and "Register Alarm Handler".
  • Resolution code group setup - This option defines the number and length of the desired levels of Resolution Code capability. Each group's start and stop points define the length of the group in characters. Utilizing different Resolution Code groups allows you to better classify the nature and conclusion of an Alarm.
  • Use External Browser for URLs - If you select Yes, URLs are opened by the default browser on the workstation. If you select NO, URLs are opened in the integrated Manitou CS Operator Workstation browser.
  • Validate the resolution code is complete - If you select "Yes", the system requires an Operator to enter a valid Resolution Code when closing an Alarm or when updating existing data.
  • Web membership database details - This read-only option displays the last known information for the Active Web Membership Database.
  • Web timeout - This option defines the number of minutes that pass before an active Web session times out. The maximum number of minutes is 480. If timed out, the Web user must log in again before continuing with the session.
  • Workflow functionality - If you select "Yes", you can create Workflows and Workflow Components to use in conjunction with Action Patterns.
  • Client Revision (Dealer) - This is a read-only field that displays the minimum Manitou Dealer client revision number allowed to run on the system. This is updated by Manitou Support personnel upon each upgrade to help ensure old clients are not attempting to run against new Application servers.
  • Client Revision (Operator) - This is a read-only field that displays the minimum Manitou client revision number allowed to run on the system. This is updated by Manitou Support personnel upon each upgrade to help ensure old clients are not attempting to run against new Application servers.
  • Client Revision (Supervisor) - This is a read-only field that displays the minimum Manitou Supervisor Workstation client revision number allowed to run on the system. This is updated by Manitou Support personnel upon each upgrade to help ensure old clients are not attempting to run against new Application servers.
  • Version of the database - This is a read-only field and displays the current version of the Manitou system. This cannot be edited from the user interface. Each new release contains an update to the version on the database.
Voice Recordings

These options are used to configure the interface to a voice recording system.

  • Number of months of Watchdog logs to keep - This option defines the number of months before the system purges Watchdog logs. If the Supervisor Workstation is open, Watchdog messages do not go to the Client Workstation. They will only be displayed in the Supervisor Workstation.