Reports on Entity Records

Each entity record in Manitou may generate one-off and scheduled reports. The following details how to locate and manage reports on an entity record:

  1. Open the Entity on which you wish to schedule your report.
    • Reports are available on the Customer, Dealer, Agency, and Monitoring Company records.
  2. Navigate to the Reports form.

Scheduled Report Creation

  1. Click the Plus sign (➕) found on the upper right-hand corner of the Scheduled Reports card.
  2. Select the Report to Schedule.
  3. Enter the appropriate TitleWe highly recommend renaming any scheduled report to specifically label the report to ensure easy location in your reports list.  
  4. Set the Report parameters.
  5. If required, click Options and choose the appropriate values.
  6. If needed, click Advanced and choose the appropriate values.  
  7. When entered as desired, click Next.
  8. When sending reports to non-listed persons, expand the Advanced Section choose the Type for email attachments, enter the name and email address details, and click Add.
  9. If printing, select the company printer and click the plus sign (➕) to add.
  10. If sending to persons listed on the entity contact list, select the person, select the destination, and click the plus sign (➕) to add it to the list.
  11. After selecting and setting the report destinations, click Next.
  12. Set the next run date and time.  Sometimes this may be in the past.  
  13. Set the Interval and frequency.  Common frequencies are:
    • Daily
    • Weekly 
    • Monthly 
  14. When set, click Done.
  15. Save (💾) the record.  

One-off Report Creation

  1. Expand the System Report Section containing the report to run.
  2. Click the desired report.
  3. Set the report Title, if desired.
  4. Enter the Report Parameters.
  5. If necessary, select the Advanced or Options details for the report.   
  6. If emailing, click Next
    1. Set the report destinations as noted above.
    2. Click Send Email.
  7. If running for information, click one of the options to display or download the report.
    • Display Now - loads the completed report to the screen.
    • Download (PDF) - downloads the completed report as a PDF (Document Image)
    • Download (RTF) - downloads the completed report as a Rich Text Format (Word Document)