SWS - Forms in the Report Menu - System Reports - Master File Reports - Branch Master File

The Branch Master File Report displays details for Manitou Branches. Users can select specific Branches and customize the level of detail that displays in the Report.

Generating a Branch Master File Report

Perform the following steps to generate a Branch Master File Report:

  1. Navigate to the Reports menu, and select "System Reports".

Result: The "System Reports" Navigation Tree displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Click the "Master File" Navigation Tree Node.

Result: The Master File section of the Navigation Tree expands as displayed in the following screenshot:

  1. Double-click "Branch Master File".

Result: The "Branch Master File" form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. If you want, apply any of the following parameters to your Branch Master File Report:
  • Branch ID
  • Branch Name
  • City
  • Region
  1. To run an Branch Master File Report, enter a beginning value in the "From:" field and an ending value in the "To:" field. The system will report on all items that fit between the beginning and ending values.
  2. If you want to prevent passwords from displaying in your Report, select the "Suppress passwords" checkbox.
  3. If you want your Report to display page breaks between Branch listings, select the "Page breaks" checkbox.
  4. Click "Options".

Result: The "Branch Master File Options" window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Items in the "Sub-reports:" area of the window display as preselected. If you want, deselect the items you want to exclude from your Report.
  2. Items in the "Contact List type:" area of the window display as preselected. If you want, deselect the items you want to exclude from your Report.
  3. Click "OK".

Result: The "Authority Master File Options" window closes and the system returns the user to the "Authority Master File" form.

  1. Click "Next".

Result: The Distribution Tab displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. For instructions on distributing your Report, refer to the "System Reports" document.