The Standard Dashboard also contains statistics that help clarify and note specific details within the company's accounts.
The Counts section details the number of customer account records by Active, Inactive, Pending, and Deactivated.
When the company's accounts are fewer than 2000, these items may be drilled into directly from this view. Greater than that amount and the system provides as warning that it cannot load the listing.
Customer Status Summary
The Customer Status Summary notes specific items regarding the Customer records within the Manitou data. This can help operations head of larger issues.
- Currently in Alarm allows users to see in one list the accounts with active alarms in the queue for processing. Upon selecting that customer the details of what alarms are in the queue for them.
- Currently On Test is a quick view of the accounts on test at this point in time.
- Dispatched Alarms in X hours allows the user to pick and see the listing of alarms dispatched by operators in the last 24, 48, and 72 hours.
- New Maintenance Issues reveals of listing of accounts where Maintenance issues were added and have yet to be managed.
- Unresolved Maintenance issues provides a listing of all pending Maintenance issues within the system.
- With Expired Permits displays any accounts with a permit expiration date that is before the current day.
- Customers in Watch List loads any customers flagged for inclusion in the Watch List
- Top alarm Activity over 30 Days lists the top customers, defined in the Manitou settings, that sent the highest numbers of alarms to Manitou in the last 30 days.
- Top False Alarm Activity over 30 Days lists the top number of customers, defined in the Manitou settings, that sent the highest number of alarms closed with a False alarm Resolution code.
Customer Transmitter Summary
The Customer Transmitter Summary reveals the customers, based on the transmitters assigned to the record, useful statistics for system and account management.
- TX in Alarm lists all the current customer transmitters that are actively in alarm, meaning they are not yet restored.
- TX in Fault lists any transmitters that sent a fault into Manitou and has not yet restored.
- TX in Line Fault lists any transmitters which sent a line fault and has not yet restored.
- TX with Low Battery lists all Transmitters on customer accounts that show a low battery that is not yet restored.
- TX with Late to Test lists all Transmitters that received a late to test and were not restored by a test or other signal.
- TX Missing Event Programming lists any transmitters that sent alarms into Manitou but did not find an Action Pattern to assign to it at any level.
- TX Not on File in the Last X hours shows any transmitters communicating into Manitou without a matching transmitter on a customer record in the last 24, 48, or 72 hours.
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