Accounting Companies

The Accounting Companies Master File report returns the Accounting Companies linked to the Manitou data.

Report Parameters

  • Company ID - searches for the named Accounting Company, or companies within Manitou.
  • Accounting Company Type - allows the selection of which accounting company type for the report server to search for the information.  
  • Direction of Interface in List - determines which direction the accounting database(s) communicate with Manitou.  
    • Not Interfaced - Accounting is not connected to Manitou.
    • Manitou to Accounting - Updates and data travel from Manitou to the Accounting company.
    • Accounting to Manitou - Updates and data travel from the Accounting company into Manitou.  
    • Read Only - Links to accounting but doesn't update in either direction.  
    • Dealer Billing - Required Dealer Billing licensing and connects to the accounting system solely for billing dealer end customers.