The Header displays HOME upon arrival into Manitou.
Manitou Web Client Header
Shortcut Icons
The Shortcut Icons may be customized to user preferred icons. This allows quick access to the features the user accesses most often.
Common Icons
Alarm Queue
The Caution icon represents the Alarm Queue. This is default on all shortcut icons and is disabled if the user doesn't have access.
Customer Add
The Customer Add icon loads the New Customer Wizard.
The Customer icon launches the quick search for a customer record.
The Authority Icon opens the Authority Search.
The Dealer icon launches the Dealer Search. If a customer is active, the system loads that customer's dealer record.
On Test
The On Test icon opens the On Test form and allows the selection of which account to place on test. If there is an active customer, the system loads that customer.
The Edit pencil allows for the customization of a user's shortcuts.
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