Global Keyholder Profile

The Global Keyholder Profile details the password, notes, availability, and Web membership details for that keyholder.

Profile Card

The Profile card contains all the information that enables the Keyholder to cancel alarms and access the accounts to which they are linked.

  1. To edit the Global Keyholder profile details, click the pencil icon (✏️).
  2. Enter the appropriate data for this keyholder.
    1. Password is the code used to cancel alarms and make changes to the accounts where they are linked.  
    2. If necessary, Enter a Web Access ID - This is the code that identifies the user when they log into BoldNet.
    3. Question and Answer is another way to validate the keyholder.  
    4. Notes are specific details related to this keyholder.
    5. Availability enables and disables that contact based on the date listed in the record.  
      1. Valid From/To - The period of time the keyholder is ACTIVE.  Such as the person is a contractor for a specific contracted time the From Date is the date they are activated, and the To is the last day they are active.  
      2. Inactive From/To - The period of time the person is INACTIVE and should not be contacted.   Often used when a keyholder is on vacation or unavailable for that period of time.  
      3. Leave the Availability blank if they are always active.
  3. After entering all the applicable data, click Next.
  4. When applicable, enter the Web Access details by clicking Add.
    1. Enter the Username
    2. Enter the person's email address 
    3. Enter the user's Full Name
    4. Enter their BoldNet Password
    5. Re-enter their BoldNet Password
    6. Enter their question and Answer - Used to validate them if they forget their password. 
    7. Once completed, click Done.
  5. Remember to click Save (💾) to commit the details to the database.

Please note that the Global Keyholder record is only useful when linked to an customer or entity contact list.  

Web Membership Card

The Web Membership card displays the contact's Web details for accessing BoldNet.  If locked out editing that information allows you to reset and re-enable the user.