Alarm Processing Shortcuts

Certain shortcuts and quick keys pertain only to processing alarms. These shortcuts are typically one letter or a series of letters typed together.

Quick keys typically refer to a letter within the action or task item. Once a quick key is pressed, the software underlines all quick keys in the software for easy reference.

For example, typing "A" for Actions will not only reveal the drop-down menu but also underline all quick-key letters within the associated tasks.

D — Do

A — Actions Menu

  • AA — Actions/Action. Reinitiates the selected completed action; i.e. redials an already contacted action.
  • AH — Actions/Handling Notifications. View and acknowledge Ribbon warnings.
  • AI — Actions/Ignore. Ignores the selected Action Pattern item.
  • AHN — Actions/Handling Notifications/New Alarm/Signal for Customer.
  • AC — Actions/Call-in. Assumes selected Action Pattern item contact is calling in with the reference to this alarm.
  • AHH — Actions/Handling Notifications/Higher Priority Alarm.
  • AL — Actions/View all Contacts. An alternate method to view all associated contacts for an alarm (View All Contacts radio button is located directly above the Action Pattern window).
  • AHP — Actions/Handling Notifications/Pre-Cancel. Notifies of a Pre-cancel item for this Alarm account.
  • AW — Actions/View all Call Lists. This is just like clicking the View All Call Lists radio button on the interface.
  • AHD — Actions/Handling Notifications/Concurrent Alarm Handlers. Notifies the Operator that others are working on the same account.
  • AP — Actions/Validate Password. Validates passwords related to the alarm account.
  • AHU — Actions/Handling Notifications/UL Account.
  • AO or P — Actions/Action Pattern or Action Pattern. Loads and brings focus to the Action Pattern.
  • AHL — Actions/Handling Notifications/Contact List Comments. Displays comments tied to that record.
  • AM — Actions/Add Comment. Adds a comment to the loaded alarm activity.
  • AHG — Actions/Handling Notifications/Group/Class Codes. Displays the class code details, if Alert User is enabled.
  • AT — Actions/Add Temporary Comment. Loads the Comments form for the customer on the alarm.
  • AHA — Actions/Handling Notifications/Alarm Suspension Expired.
  • AS — Actions/Add Temporary Schedule. Loads the Schedule form for the customer on the alarm.
  • AHM — Actions/Handling Notifications/Maintenance Issues.
  • AR — Actions/Reverse. This executes applicable Reverse commands.
  • AHE — Actions/Handling Notifications/Media Clip Available. Could contain video or audio.
  • AF — Actions/Confirm Alarm. Verifies event is a true alarm.
  • AHV — Actions/Handling Notifications/Map Location Available.
  • AN — Actions/Audio Commands. Takes the user to Audio specific items.
  • AHC — Actions/Handling Notifications/Call Session. Notification of call that links to the loaded alarm.
  • AV — Actions/View Customer. Loads the customer listed on the alarm.
  • AHS — Actions/Handling Notifications/Call Session Adopted.
  • AE — Actions/Edit Customer. Loads the customer listed on the alarm and places it into edit mode through password validation.
  • AHR — Actions/Handling Notifications/PSAP Authority.

O — Operations Menu

  • OO — Operations/On Test.
  • OT — Operations/Tracking.
  • OP — Operations/Paged Contacts. Loads the list of accounts recently contacted through pager or messages left.
  • OA — Operations/Alarm Handling Options. Loads the Alarm Handling options form for enabling/disabling Auto-get.
  • OC — Operations/Pre-Cancel. Loads the Pre-Cancel form.
  • OH — Operations/Pause Alarm Handling.
  • OR — Operations/Review Pre-Cancel. Loads the Pre-Cancel record pertaining to the loaded alarm.

H — Hold Menu

  • HD — Hold/Defer. Throws the alarm back into the alarm queue.
  • HS — Hold/Suspend. Places the alarm event on hold for a prescribed period of time.
  • HA — Hold/Defer to Auto-Client. Gives the alarm to the Auto-Client for completion of non-human interaction required Action Pattern items. (Emails, Pages, Faxes, and so on)

F — Finish Menu

  • FS — Finish/Close. Closes the alarm if all Action Pattern commands are satisfied.
  • FO — Finish/Operator Cancel. Requires data entry of the Operator's password to close the alarm.
  • FC — Finish/Customer Cancel. Requires a customer password to close the alarm.