Data Handling - Prompt

The Data Handling Prompt command is an active alternative to the Attention.  This provides the operator with instructions, or questions, to complete, that walks the operator through the alarm handling process and can be used to apply logic items.  

  • Variable - This is the name of the Prompt so that it can be identified in the action pattern.  This is also the Variable ID the Logic items would reference, if looking at the selections made.  
  • Type - The format of the data collected with the Prompt.
    • Number - Numeric value entry.  This may be used for prompts that may relate to time or other numeric. feedback.
    • Text - General text value entry.  An example of this would be a response to "Describe what you see on the video."
    • UPPER - Also a text value like above, but forces the data to all CAPS.
    • List - Allows for the creation of pipe (|) separated values.  An example of this may be, "Do you see a threat?" with reponses of Yes|No|Unknown. 
    • Hex - Rarely used, seeks a HEX (base 16) value instead of a standard numeric value.  
  • Prompt - What text the operator will read in the Prompt.  
    • Describe what you see in the video.
    • Do you see a threat?
    • What is the ETA of the Keyholder?
  • Mask - The format of the data to return.  This is where the pipe separated values are entered for selection availability. See the guide for creating prompts.