Monitoring Company


Monitoring Company
The Monitoring Company record contains company-related details for your Manitou Monitoring system.  This record is available to hold and manage: Company Name and Address Default Country Default Language Default Time ...
Monitoring Company Details
The Monitoring Company record Details page contains the company-specific base information.   Company Details Includes: Company ID - This is always 1. Company Name - This is often left to Central Station or Monitoring Stati...
Monitoring Company Contact List
The Monitoring Company contact list contains the persons responsible for responding to events and managing the Company's data. may have two types of contacts added to their Contact Lists in Manitou:  Contact Persons (Individuals on this record al...
Monitoring Company Call List
Call Lists consist of persons and entities to contact in the event of alarms.  Call Lists are  not required  for any account or entity if the contacts to be called are in the order desired on the Contact List.   Call Lists have tw...
Monitoring Company Comments
Comments on Entity records consist of three main types:  Temporary ,  Standing , and  Special Instructions . Temporary Comments  - Comments about the monitored location or entity that is true only for a specified period of time.  Exampl...
Monitoring Company General Schedules
The Monitoring Company may utilize four types of General Schedules:  Keyholder Availability Call List Availability Action Pattern On Test Keyholder Availability  Keyholder Availability allows you to enable phone num...
Monitoring Company Reverse Commands
Reverse commands on the Monitoring Company house the commands for systems and features that allow the ability to enable or connect to remote systems.   Most often, Manitou's development team will add Reverse Commands as required by the integrat...
Monitoring Company TX ID Ranges
Transmitter ID Ranges allow Manitou to assign Transmitter IDs to customer transmitters.  Transmitter ID Ranges may be added to the Monitoring Company and Dealer Records.   Adding a Transmitter ID Range On the required record, navig...
Monitoring Company Billing
When applicable, the Monitoring Company Billing Rates and Charges are configured to be accessible when the charges apply. This is most often utilized when integrated with an Accounting System and Dealer Billing.   ...
Monitoring Company Reports
Scheduled reports for the Monitoring Company reports are created within the Monitoring Company reports.  Some examples of common Monitoring Company reports are: Monthly Signal Counts Audit Trail Reports Handled Signals by Opera...
Monitoring Company Maintenance Issues
Monitoring Company Maintenance Issues are to track items related to the company operations.  These are most often to manage data changes and internal tasks.   The following link details how to manage the Maintenance Issues:   Maintenance Iss...
Monitoring Company Statistics
The Monitoring Company Statistics form contains details about all accounts within the monitoring company.   Show Filter The Show filter allows you to update the statistics accordingly. "Customers with No Dealer" updat...
Monitoring Company Action Patterns
Action Patterns found in the Monitoring Record are called "Global Action Patterns."   Action Patterns are the instructions and processing rules for alarming events in Manitou.  Action Patterns may be simple containing only who to call and in what...
Monitoring Company GPS Tracking
GPS Tracking in the Monitoring Company Record allows the company to create GeoFences and Groups as required.  GPS Tracking is an "Add-on" feature to Manitou and requires licensing.   Group Groups allow for the management of GPS GeoFences. ...