Manitou Overview Action Shortcuts

The Header displays HOME upon arrival into Manitou. 

Manitou Web Client Header

Action Icons

Action Icons change based on the context of what items are open within the main workspace.  Upon initial log into Manitou, the Action Icons relate to the common actions related to the system.

Export Dashboard Layout

If created, any customized dashboard layout can be downloaded and then shared with others using Manitou.   

Dashboard Edit

The Dashboard Edit icon allows users to create customized dashboards to display user-specific items.  Clicking edit launches the Layout design.  There users may add, edit, remove, and import layouts.

Quick Search

The Quick Search icon opens the quick search form allowing context-sensitive searching for entity records.  

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search loads the Advanced entity search which allows more detailed searching to locate records.  


The Settings form allows users to customize their experience in the Web Client.  

Log Out

The Log Out Icon allows users to lock their workstations and log out of the Manitou Web client.  

If walking away for a break Log Out.  Use Lock Workstation only for a step-away and return period, such as going to a printer or speaking to another person within the operations.  

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