SWS - Navigation - Status Bar

The Status Bar provides a quick view into Manitou's alarm queue by displaying a list of alarm priorities and informational messages.

Alarm Counts

Manitou rates alarm severity by assigning numbers 1 through 10 (with 1 being the highest priority and 10 being the lowest), these fields show how many alarms are currently listed in the system. Each priority number has a field (to the right) associated with it showing how many alarms are currently in queue. Along with queue counts, the Status Bar also shows whether alarms are Suspended, New, Viewed, or Actioned.

The Status Bar cannot be hidden, but a Supervisor can collapse it so that only the Watchdog messages are visible. The Supervisor performs this function by using the Minimize and Maximize buttons located at the far right of the Status Bar.

Minimize Button 

Minimizes the Status Bar to show only Watchdog messages.

Maximize Button 

Expand the Status Bar to show Counts and Watchdog messages.

Manitou displays each alarm in the alarm count in one of two different colors to indicate how much has passed since it was received. The SWS uses the following colors to help a Supervisor distinguish between alarms:

  • White background with black text - active alarms that are less than 60 seconds old.
  • Red background with white text - alarms that are older than 90 seconds.

Note: Only one alarm per priority level needs to age for the field color to change.

Manitou also separates alarms into fields on the Status Bar pursuant to the following status designations:

  • Suspended Alarms - Alarms that have been suspended by users.
  • New Alarms - Alarms that have not yet been viewed or actioned by users.
  • Viewed Alarms - Alarms that have been viewed.
  • Actioned Alarms - Alarms for which a user has performed at least one action pattern.

Note: Alarm count information relates only to the Monitoring Group to which the current user belongs. They do not reflect alarm volume for the system as a whole.

Watchdog Messages

Watchdog messages are displayed on the Status Bar just below the alarm status fields. These messages notify the Supervisor of signal processing and alarm progress activities within the system. Watchdog messages are also color-coded according to the following system:

  • Green - Denotes non-critical information.
  • Yellow - Denotes priority information.
  • Red - Denotes critical information.

Message Buttons

Three buttons have been added at the end of the Watchdog message field to help. These message buttons function as follows:

Ellipsis button 

The "..." displays a list of all Watchdog messages.

Number Button 

The "0" button displays the number of Watchdog messages in the queue behind the current message.

Clear Button 

The "Clear" button clears the Watchdog message field until the next message is received.