Editing a Maintenance Issue and Marking it as Resolved

Keeping Maintenance Issues up to date is vital to ensuring a quality customer experience.   Any time an entity record possesses a Maintenance Issue, the system generates a warning dialog on that record and in alarms related to that entity.  

Updating a Maintenance Issue

Maintenance issues may be updated within their individual entity record(s) or within the full listing of issues.  When accessing the Maintenance Issue from the full listing follow the directions here for locating and loading Maintenance Issues.

Once you locate your desired Issue, single-click the issue to load it under details.  

Data Maintenance Issues

  1. Review what is required to address the issue
  2. Click the Go To Record icon <Person Head icon>.
  3. Manitou loads the appropriate entity record.  Please note upon loading the record, the Maintenance Issue warning loads again to be acknowledged. 
  4. Make the appropriate changes by clicking the Pencil (✏️)  icon to edit the record.
  5. Save your changes 
  6. Navigate to the Maintenance Issue to resolve it.  

Service and Issue Tracking

  1. Click the Pencil Icon (✏️) to edit the Maintenance Issue.
  2. Note any items relevant to the work being performed or solution delivery.  
    • If tracking a technician, and they arrived at the location, select Tech On Site to time stamp their arrival.  
  3. Note any new notes as required.

Resolving a Maintenance Issue

  1. When ready to complete the Maintenance Issue, load the Maintenance Issue, if not already loaded.  
  2. Enter the resolution details.  This is how and why of the work completed.   
  3. Select Resolved.
  4. Click Done.

This captures the information and saves the history to the database and completes the Maintenance Issue.