SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Maintenance Issues

Viewing an Existing Maintenance Issue

Perform the following steps to view an existing Maintenance Issue in Manitou:

  1. Open Manitou.

Note: The steps in this section can be performed in either the Supervisor Workstation or the Operator Workstation.

  1. Navigate to the “Maintenance” menu and select the “Maintenance Issues” form as shown in the following screenshot:

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Result: The “Maintenance Issues” form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Double-click the Maintenance Issue you want to view.

Result: The “View Maintenance Issue” window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

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Note: Information on the “View Maintenance Issue” form is not editable.

  1. When you are finished viewing the Maintenance Issue, click “Close”.
Creating a New Maintenance Issue

Perform the following steps to create a new Maintenance Issue in Manitou:

  1. Open Manitou.

Note: The steps in this section can be performed in either the Supervisor Workstation or the Operator Workstation.

  1. Navigate to the “Maintenance” menu and select the “Maintenance Issues” option as shown in the following screenshot:

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Result: The “Maintenance Issues” form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Click “Create New” as shown in the following screenshot:

Result: The “New Maintenance Issue” window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Select an option from the “Contact type:” menu as shown in the following screenshot:

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Result: If you selected any option other than “Company”, the “Contact ID:” menu displays as shown in the following screenshot:


Note: If you selected the “Company” option, the “New Maintenance Issue” window now displays with the company name as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. If you selected an option from the “Contact type:” field that is anything other than “Company”, enter a contact ID into the “Contact ID:” field, then press “Enter”.

Result: The entity name now displays on the “New Maintenance Issue” window as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Select a technician from the “Technician:” dropdown menu as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. If you want, select the person who reported the Maintenance Issue from the “Person:” dropdown menu.
  2. Select the “Tech on Site” checkbox if the technician designated to perform the maintenance is located where the maintenance is to be performed.
  3. Define a priority level for the Maintenance Issue in the “Priority” field.

Note: 1 is the highest priority level and 10 is the lowest priority level.

  1. Select a date and time in the “Appointment Date:” field.
  2. Select a service type from the “Service Type:” dropdown menu.
  3. Enter a description of your Maintenance Issue into the “Description:” field.

Result: The “Save Changes” button now displays enabled as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Click “Save Changes”.

Result: The Maintenance Issue you created is displayed in the list as shown in the following screenshot:

Editing an Existing Maintenance Issue and Marking it as Resolved

Note: You can only edit Maintenance Issues that you created.

Perform the following steps to edit an existing Maintenance Issue:

  1. Open Manitou.

Note: the steps in this section can be performed in either the Supervisor Workstation or the Operator Workstation.

  1. Navigate to the “Maintenance” menu and select the “Maintenance Issues” option as shown in the following screenshot:

Result: The “Maintenance Issues” form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Select the Maintenance Issue you want to edit on the grid as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Click “Edit Selected” as shown in the following screenshot:

Result: The “Edit Maintenance Issue” window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Modify existing text or enter new text.
  2. When you are finished editing the Maintenance Issue you selected, click “Save Changes”.

Result: The updated Maintenance Issue is displayed in the grid as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. If you enter text into the “New Notes:” area of the “Edit Maintenance Issue” form, the “Resolved” checkbox displays enabled as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. When you are ready to close the Maintenance Issue, select the “Resolved” checkbox, then click “Save Changes”.

Result: The Maintenance Issue now displays gray in the grid as shown in the following screenshot:

Note: Maintenance Issues in the grid display gray once they have been marked as resolved and saved. You can modify these settings in the Supervisor Workstation -> Tools -> Options-> Color Options. You can also resolve an existing Maintenance Issue by selecting it from the grid, and then selecting “Resolve Selected”. The “Resolve Selected” button automatically designates a Maintenance Issue as resolved, and causes it to display gray in the grid. A user who resolves a Maintenance Issue through the “Resolve Selected” button does not get an opportunity to enter additional notes. Once a Maintenance Issue has been resolved and saved, you cannot edit it again unless you change its status. The “View Maintenance Issue” form displayed in the following screenshot shows a Maintenance Issue that was resolved, saved, and then reopened for viewing. Notice that it does not include a “Save Changes” button. It is not editable.

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Reopening a Maintenance Issue

You can change the status of a Maintenance Issue (and enable it for editing) by using the “Reopen Selected” button.

Perform the following steps to reopen a closed Maintenance Issue:

  1. Open Manitou.

Note: The steps in this section can be performed in either the Supervisor Workstation or the Operator Workstation.

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance menu, then select the “Maintenance Issues” option as shown in the following screenshot:

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Result: The “Maintenance Issues” form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Select the Maintenance Issue that you previously saved and closed as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Click “Reopen Selected” as shown in the following screenshot:

Result: The “Yes/No” window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Click “Yes”.

Result: The “Edit Maintenance Issues” window displays with the “Save Changes” button indicating that it is now editable.

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Searching for Existing Maintenance Issues Using Filters

Perform the following steps to apply a filter to search for existing Maintenance Issues:

  1. Open Manitou.

Note: The steps in this section can be performed in either the Supervisor Workstation or the Operator Workstation.

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance menu and select “Maintenance Issues” as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computer menuDescription automatically generated

Result: The “Maintenance Issues” form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Scroll to the bottom of the form.

Result: The “Filter” tab displays as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Click “Filter”.

Result: The following Maintenance Issues Filter form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Select a date option and range from the “Date” area of the form.
  2. Select a contact type from the “Contact Types” area of the form.
  3. In the “Resolution” area of the form, select whether the Maintenance Issue for which you are looking has been resolved, remains unresolved, or can be in either completion status.
  4. Select the Manitou user who created the Maintenance Issue from the “User” dropdown list as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Select the technician associated with the Maintenance Issue you want to find in the “Technicians” area of the form.
  2. Select whether or not the Maintenance Issue for which you are searching was designated as being on site. Your options for the menu are shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Select a service type from the “Service Type:” dropdown menu as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Select a priority level for the Maintenance Issue you want to find from the “Priority:” dropdown menu as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. When you are finished entering parameters, click “Search”.

Result: Your search results are displayed as shown in the following screenshot:

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Note: In the search results above, the user searched for all Maintenance Issues associated with technician “Nial MacDonald”.

Adding a Service Type

Perform the following steps to add a Service Type in the Manitou Supervisor Workstation:

  1. Open the Manitou Supervisor Workstation.
  2. Navigate to the “Maintenance” menu, then click “Setup” and “Subtypes” as shown in the following screenshot:

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Result: The “Subtypes” window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Scroll down and select the “Maintenance Service Types” option as shown in the following screenshot:

A list of maintenance service typesDescription automatically generated

  1. Click “Edit” then click “Add”.

Result: The “Add Subtype” window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Enter a description into the “Description” field then click “OK”.
  2. The Maintenance Service Type you added now displays on the “Subtypes” form as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Click “Save”.

Sending a Script Message for a New Maintenance Issue

Manitou has the option to create and send Script Messages to technicians when new or updated Maintenance Issues are assigned to them.

After you complete the instructions in this document, the following conditions still must be met  for the system to send the notification email, as described:

  • The technician to whom you want to send the email must be the designated technician on the Maintenance Issue form.
  • The technician to whom you want to send the email must have an email address listed in the Monitoring Company Contact List.
  • The Report Publisher must be running and properly configured to send emails.

Perform the following steps to send a script message to notify a technician about a new Maintenance Issue via Script Message:

  1. Open the Manitou Supervisor Workstation.
  2. Navigate to the “Maintenance” menu and select “Script Messages” as shown in the following screenshot:

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Result: The “Script Message” window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Click “Edit” then “Add”.

Result: The “Add Script Message” window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Enter a description into the “Description:” field.
  2. Select a locale for your script message from the “Language:” dropdown menu as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Select the “Email” option from the “Type:” dropdown menu as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Enter the text you want to use for the script message into the “Script Text:” field.
  2. Click “Save”.
  3. Navigate to the “Tools” menu and select “Options” as shown in the following screenshot:

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Result: The following form displays:

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  1. Expand the “General” node in the Navigation Tree as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Select the “Script Message for Maintenance Issue Assignment” option.
  2. Click “Edit”.
  3. Select the script message you recently added from the dropdown menu as shown in the following screenshot:

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  1. Click “Save”.