The Enhanced Action Patterns features offer decision-driven functionality, and allows the ability to link action patterns together and follow decision pathways based on the SOP and operational
Bold highly recommends planning out any new Action Pattern prior to designing a new Enhanced Action Pattern, Bold Technologies recommends taking the following steps:
- Identify the Customer, Dealer, or Global alarm needs.
- Plan the Action Pattern steps.
- Script out the Action Pattern plan.
- Test the Action Pattern by considering all possible scenarios.
Here is an example of a Simple flow chart for an Action Pattern.
Here is a more Advanced example of an Action Patterns:
There are a number of flow charting applications available for free or low cost. Even sitting down with a pen and paper can help ensure consideration of all scenarios. Many decisions may happen automatically by leveraging action pattern features or SQL queries.
Action Patterns, and the associated components, are assigned at the Monitoring Company, Dealer, or Customer levels with one superseding the other.
An Action Pattern set up on the Dealer level overrides any Action Pattern set up for the Monitoring Company for any alarm associated with that particular Dealer. An Action Pattern set up on the Customer level overrides any Enhanced Action Patterns set up for the Dealer or Monitoring Company in regards to any alarm associated with that particular Customer.