

Customer Details
Once you create a new customer in Manitou's Web client, it is important to understand the individual features.  Here we discuss the Customer Details . Within the New Customer Wizard, you enter the Customer Details regarding the site-specific a...
Customer Systems New
The Systems section of the Customer record contains all the equipment housed at the monitored location.   Systems have four types: Event Monitoring - This is the most common system used in Manitou.  This includes any traditional systems...
Customer Systems - Programming
Customer Transmitter Programming should only be used when no other feature or function can manage the events presented from the monitored location.   This page contains three cards. TX Programming - This is the signal translation...
Customer Systems - Areas and Zones
The Areas and Zones form within the Customer Transmitter section within a customer record.   The Areas and Zones form, within the customer record, contains three cards. Areas - These are the groups containing communication zone...
Customer Systems - Devices
The Devices form within the Customer Systems Transmitter record, contains any devices monitored within that system and transmitter.   The Devices form contains 4 cards. Devices - The listing of what devices, cameras, audio, etc.,...
Customer Systems - Users List
The Customer Users List within customer Systems display the User ID numbers and names linked to those.   This is a View-only display of the users configured on the Customer Contacts.   ...
Customer Systems - Reminders
The Reminders section within the Customer Systems form contains all configured and the creation of Reminders for the account. See the data entry guides related to Reminders for more information on adding and editing Reminders. ...
Customer Action Patterns
Customer Action Patterns are the most specific level of override for alarm processing for a customer's alarms.  We encourage only building action patterns on customer records when no other level, Dealer or Company, can meet the needs.   Th...
Customer Enhanced Subscriptions New
Customer records may subscribe to Enhanced Scripts.  For more information on the creation and editing of Enhanced Scripts, check out this guide . Adding an Enhanced Script to a Customer Load the Customer's Enhanced Subscriptio...
Customer GPS Tracking New
GPS Tracking on the Customer record allows the creation of Groups and GeoFences when the record is licensed and linked to GPS tracking services.  This document details the process and creation of the GPS Tracking ....
Customer Monitoring Services New
Customer Monitoring Services are automatically added to the customer account based on the data entered.  There are a few items that may be added manually to the Customer Monitoring services.   Adding Monitoring Services to a Customer ...
Customer Contact List New
The Customer  Contact List  contains all persons and entities that may be contacted for this Customer.  Any contacts created on the Customer are available for contacting on any of the Customer's accounts.   Contacts Card The contacts car...
Customer Call List New
Call Lists within the Customer record are used to determine who to contact based on the monitoring company, and customer, standards.  Individual companies will have specific standards for Call Lists.    See this article for information on c...
Customer General Schedules New
The available General Schedules within the Customer Record are:   Keyholder Availability - Enable/Disable Phone numbers by the days/times/dates defined. Programming - Enable/Disable/Change events based on the days/times/dates def...
Customer Activity Log New
The full Customer Activity   Log form loads the full-page of the customer activity log for view-ability.   The Activity Log filters by default to the last 30 days from the current day . Searching the Customer Activity Log The Custome...
Customer Permits New
Some responding Authorities require,  Permits in order to help authorities track alarm systems and cut down on false alarms, which waste resources. These permits ensure systems meet safety standards and provide contact info for quick emergency res...
Customer Comments New
Comments are used most commonly on the Customer records.  Customer record comments are used for specific details related to the site itself.   What are effective customer comments? Temporary information about the site.   ...
Customer User Defined Fields New
The Customer User Defined Fields are created within the Supervisor Workstation number the System Options .   These global items are company-based tracking items that do not directly relate to the alarm monitoring software use and functions. ...
Customer Maintenance Issues New
Information about Maintenance Issues is found here .
Customer Reports New
See these articles for  Creating Reports in Manitou . ...
Customer Reverse Send and Commands New
Reverse Send is used to communicate with external systems through Reverse Commands .   Sending a Reverse Command When available, select the Transmitter , Reverse Command , and Route to send.   Click Send . R...