Customer Wizard - Monitoring Details (Step 4)

The Monitoring Details Page is divided into three sections:

  1. Passwords
  2. Codes/Fill
  3. Options


There are Site-Level passwords and there are Person-Level passwords. 

You may enter a Password and Description in this section. The description should be clear enough to explain what it is, but not overly vague. Examples shown in screenshot below.

You may also enter a Duress Password (make sure the checkbox is marked to indicate this is a Duress Password). A Duress Password is a previously agreed-upon word that lets the Monitoring Center know that they may be held under duress.

An example is a robbery where the criminal tells the victim to call the alarm company and provide the password. If the customer provides the Duress password, the Monitoring Center will know that the customer is in trouble.

If a Duress Password is validated for this customer, the operator that validates a Duress password will see a message similar to “You have validated the Duress Password. Thank the Customer, hang up, and dispatch immediately.


Group Codes

Group Codes are a way of tagging a customer for easier reporting, or for use with Advanced Action Patterns. The Group Code list is managed in the Supervisor Workstation. There is no default recommendation for how group codes are used, but there are some guidelines. You want to make sure that whatever it is that describes the group code can only be one or another item from the list. Because you may only make one Group Code selection, each item in the list must be unique.

Class Codes

Class Codes work very similar to Group Codes. This list, also managed in the Supervisor Workstation, is also a way of tagging customers for whatever you would like to use.


The Fill section specifies how Manitou deals with Areas or Zones that are not entered during data entry. When an Area or Zone comes in, but does not exist on the list already, what should Manitou do?


The Options section is rarely used, but some useful items are here. Below is a list of each option, along with a bit more of a description. Most of these options require you to do other things related either to programming or to Signal Processing Attributes. If you mark one of these boxes, and nothing changes, more setup may be required.

For more details on each of these, see New Customer Entry in the Manitou Web Client