Creating a New Maintenance Issue

Creating a Maintenance Issue

While some automations create Maintenance Issues, it is possible to also manually create them. Here's how:

  1. Load the Customer or other Entity that requires the Maintenance Issue.
  2. Navigate to the Maintenance Issues form.
  3. Click the Plus sign (➕) to add a Maintenance Issue.  
  4. The entity data loads automatically.  
  5. If applicable and configured on your system, choose the person at the entity with whom this relates.
  6. If applicable and configured on your system, choose the appropriate technician.  
  7. Drop down and select the Service Type.  These may be added and updated within your Supervisor Workstation.
  8. If applicable, set the Appointment date.
  9. Enter the Description of the Maintenance Item.
  10. Set the priority of this issue.  See your operational guidelines for setting priorities for your organization.  
  11. When all data is entered as needed, click Save (💾).