Unrestored Signals

The Unrestored Signals report generates a listing of which accounts and event remain in their alarm state despite their requirement of a restore.  

We strongly recommend updating the Title of any report to ease location within the report queue.  

Report Parameters

  • Customer ID - Which customer, or customers, you wish to include.  Please note, the system searching numerically if you are searching for a range.  
  • Customer Name - Which Customer Name, or Names, you seek.  This is rarely used alone and will load with the customer name values after selecting the Customer ID.
  • Dealer ID - Which dealer, or dealers, to include.
  • Branch ID - Which branch, or branches, to include.
  • Group Code - Which Group code, or codes, applied to accounts, to include.  
  • Class Code - Which Class code, or codes, applied to the accounts, to include.
  • Signal Date - Range of dates to look for the Unrestored items.  
  • Minimum number of minutes unrestored - Whole number of minutes old the events must be unrestored to be included.  
  • Group by - Chooses how the group the records returned. 
  • Order By - Chooses the ordering of the report results.  


The Options selection allows the specific selection of event codes, specific statuses, and the accounts' monitoring status.


The advanced selection allows the filtering by address or Company User Defined fields.