New Customer - Contacts

The Contacts step on the New Customer Wizard allows you to add the persons, and entities that will be a part of the new account.  Contacts are the persons or entities that have access to the monitored location.

Adding Contacts (Responsible Parties)

Persons with access or responsibility for the location are known and Contacts or Keyholders, in Manitou and many operations 

  • Select the type of the first contact.  Manitou defaults to Keyholder and that person type is referenced in the Action Patterns, so we suggest using Keyholder unless your operations have a different process.  
  • Enter the persons name then select their contact point type for their phone number and enter the person's phone number(s).   You can add additional phone types by clicking the plus symbol just to the right of the first phone type that reads "Site" when you arrive. 
  • Add as many contacts as needed.   

Adding Related Entities

  • Search for and load the Police, Fire, and Medical responding authorities.
  • If the account needs a dealer, which can be selected at the start of your the Customer search for and load the Dealer.
  • If the account has a Branch to apply, search for and load the Branch.
  • If the account has Agencies such as Guarding, Cleaner/Janitorial, Groups to call, search for and select those that apply to this account.

When all data is entered as expected, click Next.