Manitou Overview Navigator

The left-hand portion of the Manitou Web Client is the Navigation card/frame. 

Home Tab

This section contains direct access to My Dashboard, Current open items.  Any items active for the user, list with the current in-focus item listed at the top.

Additional Navigation Tabs


This is a rarely used feature that allows users to add personal reminders for themselves.  Some use this feature to set a reminder to take an action after the user returns from time off.  

These reminders trip a maximum of two times based on the settings listed and only if the user is logged into Manitou at the time.

Instant Messenger

The Instant Messenger is an excellent way for alarm operators and other users to communicate, especially if they are housed in different locations.  

  • Group allows the selection of who should receive the message.  
    • Everyone goes to all logged in users. 
    • User provides a list of logged in users from which to choose.
    • User Groups allows the selection of specific sub-set of logged in users such as Operator, Administrators, Supervisors, and so on.  
    • Dealers allows the selection of specific logged in dealers to send a message.  
  • Conversation displays the current IM conversation for the user.  When sending to everyone the user also receives their message back.  
  • Message is where the user types their communication.
  • Show on Banner allows a message to be displayed on the lower portion of the screen in the Watchdog message area.  The Priority determines the color of Green, Yellow, or Red.
  • Auto select Last Sender chooses the reply to person based on the last person who sent the user a message.  

All messages sent and received are logged.

Auto Dialer

The Auto Dialer tab allows for the dialing of phone numbers and tracking calls made during alarm processing.

  • Number is the number the auto dialer will contact when the user selects Dial.  
  • Status displays the success or process of the auto dialing of the number.
  • Call Response lists how the call proceeded.  Contacted, Not In, Error, Left Message are a few of the standard selections available.
  • Action is Continue to complete the contact.  


The SMS feature allows sending SMS messages to contact points that are enabled to receive SMS messages.  

  • Output Device Type and Service Provider comes from the Manitou configured settings.
  • Number is the number to send the SMS.
  • Message is the content of the message.  


The email tab allows the sending of emails to email addresses in alarms, on customers, or manually.  


The Notifications tab flashes when there are items requiring  a users attention such as the Auto Client handling an alarm for an account the user has open, other users in the same account, and so on.  

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