SWS - Forms in the Maintenance Menu - Monitoring Types

Users can access the Monitoring Types form to add or edit monitoring services (for e.g., Transmitter tests, Video Monitoring, and Daily Signals). The Monitoring Types form allows Central Stations to modulate every monitor service for billing and reporting purposes from a single access point.

Monitoring Types are grouped by the following five Monitoring Levels: Customer, System, Sub-System, Transmitter, and Area. Depending on the Monitoring Level and the Attribute selected for the Monitoring Type, the fields available for Data Entry vary.

However, the following fields display on each Monitoring Type, regardless of the Attributes selected:

  • Description - The text the user enters into this field displays in the Monitoring Types Navigation Tree
  • Customer Sub Type - The available options for this field are: Commercial, Dealer GH, Dealer GH 009, Medical, Prueba G4S, Residential, and Video
  • Monitoring Level - The available options for this field are: Customer, System, Sub- System, Transmitter, and Area. These display as Parent items in the Monitoring Types Navigation Tree
  • Billing Code - For this field, the user must first select the Accounting System (either Sedona or Quickbooks), and then select the associated Billing Code from the list
  • Heading Code - This field contains a billing code that corresponds with Dealer charges. A Heading Code is also known as a Charge Code
  • Add Code - This field contains a code representing a one-time charge for initializing a service (for e.g., a setup fee)
  • Limit Code - This field contains a code representing a charged amount added for exceeding the allowed service limit
  • Limit Type - This field contains the units of measurement associated with the service limit. This field offers only three options: Signals, Seconds, and Minutes
  • Limit Quantity - This field contains the limit value (for e.g., the maximum number of signals allowed or the maximum number of two-way minutes). 
Adding a Monitoring Type

Perform the following steps to add a Monitoring Type:

  1. Navigate to the Maintenance menu, select "Setup" then select "Monitoring Types".

Result: The "Monitoring Types" form displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Click "Edit" and then click "Add".

Result: The "Add Monitoring Type" window displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Select a Monitoring Level from the dropdown menu.

Note: Monitoring Types are grouped by the following five Monitoring Levels: Customer, System, Sub-System, Transmitter and Area. Monitoring Levels display as Parent items in the Monitoring Types Navigation Tree. If you are not sure which Monitoring Level best applies to your new Monitoring Type, view the Navigation Tree's Child items to determine which existing Monitoring Types are most similar.

  1. Select an Attribute from the dropdown menu.

Note: The Attributes available from the dropdown menu vary depending on the Monitoring Level selected.

  1. Enter a description into the appropriate field and click "OK".

Result: The "Add Monitoring Type" window closes, and the system returns the user to the Monitoring Types form.

Note: Certain fields on this form become enabled or disabled based on the Monitoring Type you added. For example, if you added a Video Enabled Attribute, you need to define the number of cameras that will be used. In the same manner, if you added a Transmitter Test, you would need to define the test unit and test interval.

  1. Enter the appropriate data into the fields available for your new Monitoring Type.

Note: Refer to the beginning of this document for a description of fields that display for every Monitoring Type.

  1. Confirm that the information you entered is correct and click "Save".