Monitoring Company

The Monitoring Company record contains company-related details for your Manitou Monitoring system.  This record is available to hold and manage:

  • Company Name and Address
  • Default Country
  • Default Language
  • Default Time Zone - Manitou defaults its installation to Mountain Time US.
  • Company Contact Numbers
  • Company Contacts -These are the persons who would be contacted by the company and, when applicable, any technicians.  
  • Call Lists - These are the grouping of who to contact and in what order regarding the company.  (Used rarely)
  • Comments - Comments are particular to the company's temporary or standing comments and where you create your Special instructions that may be linked to other records.  
  • General Schedules - The Monitoring Company allows the creation of multiple types of General Schedules for use on the company record and throughout the system.  
    • General Schedule types on the Monitoring Company record:
      • Keyholder availability - When to enable/disable a phone number.
      • Call List Availability - When to activate a Call List.
      • Action Pattern - When to allow a specified action.  This is often used for differing behavior based on the day of the week and/or time of the day.
      • On Test - Which hours may technicians place accounts on/off test without having to contact the monitoring center.  Most often this is to ensure that the central station is aware of out-of-hours work happening and by whom.  
  • Reverse Commands - These allow your company to send information to specific systems to trip connections, turn on cameras, and collect or connect to cameras and DVRs.  
  • TX ID Ranges - Allows the ability to restrict, and automatically create, account IDs for your transmitters.  
  • Billing - Allows the creation and management of Billing charges for services.  Generally used when integrated with an Accounting system.
  • Reports - Where you may create the company daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly scheduled reports.  
  • Maintenance Issues - Create and track data issues related to the monitoring company.  
  • Action Patterns - Here you may create and update the Global Action Patterns.  These are most often used on the Event Codes and Event Categories.  
  • GPS Tracking  - When licensed for GPS tracking, here you may set Company-level Geofences and Groups for GPS signal Management.  For example, a geofence may be the state, region, or country where when items enter or leave the fence; Manitou notifies the Signal Handler to create an alarm. 
  • Statistics - Displays the vital statistics regarding the entire company record.