Configuring for Disaster Mode

In order to prepare Manitou for Disaster Mode, there details to configure within the Supervisor Workstation.  

See this guide for details about what and why Disaster Mode is used within Manitou.

Event Category Disaster Mode Configuration

The Monitoring company starts within the Event Categories to build standards regarding their Disaster Mode behavior should it become necessary to enable it.   

Event Categories are found within the Manitou Supervisor Workstation (SWS) under the Maintenance Menu, Events, then Event Categories.

The Event Categories determine the overarching grouping of the Event Codes used for alarms and signals within Manitou.  Monitoring Companies may configure and add categories that match their business needs. 

While in Edit mode, the individual Categories may be updated with their Disaster Mode Type.  

The available Disaster Mode Types within the Event Categories are:  

  • Disaster Mode - This sets the event codes within the group in Disaster Mode when the operations creates a Disaster Event.  This is recommended even if no other changes are made.  
  • Auto Log - This automatically logs event codes within the category when there is an active disaster event for the customers effected by it.  
  • Ignore - This IGNORES Disaster Mode, meaning it will not change any behavior or flag the events are within the Disaster Area.  

There are two additional options related to Disaster mode:

  • Suspend Time - This delays the delivery of any events when Disaster Mode effects the accounts receiving the events for the number of seconds listed.
  • Priority Offset - This lowers the alarming events in the category by the number of positions noted.  For example, if a Burglary alarm is listed for Disaster Mode and has an offset of 1, a normally Priority 4 event delivers to the Alarm Queue as a priority 5.  This helps ensure that alarm operators are delivered alarms based on their priority and age more effectively.  

Please note, this sets the value for Default within the Event Codes.  

Event Code Disaster Mode Override Configuration

If the event codes disaster mode behavior within their Event Category are acceptable, an Event Code override is not required.  By Default, Manitou sets the event codes to Default, which looks at the Event Category rules for their instructions.  

Reasons to override Disaster Mode on the Event Code:

  • High Priority Events that reside within the Category but cannot behave the same in Disaster Mode as it does in the Event Category.
  • Events that do not require action at all when in Disaster Mode but reside in a category that doesn't Auto Log the event.  

If the Monitoring Company identifies individual event codes that require a differing behavior, these are set within the Event Codes form.  The Event Codes form is found in both the Supervisor Workstation and the Manitou Web Client.  Within the Web client the Event Codes are found under the Admin menu. 

The following steps detail how to override the Disaster Mode value.  

  1. Load the Event Codes either within the Supervisor Workstation or through the Web Client's Admin menu.   
  2. Locate and choose the Event code to update.
  3. Edit the Record.
  4. Within the Disaster Mode Section Make the appropriate change(s).    
    • Default - Follows the instructions from the Event Category.
    • Disaster Mode (Storm Mode) - Places the code into Disaster Mode when there is a Disaster Warning record for the account receiving the event.
    • Auto Log - When there is a Disaster Warning in place, the event logs to the account's activity log history.
    • Ignore - Stops any overrides and treats the event as if it didn't exist within a Disaster record's area.  
  5. Save (💾) the changes.