SWS - Navigation - Navigator Pane

The Navigator Pane

This page contains links to all Customers, recent alarms, and shortcuts. It includes three separate tabs as displayed in the screenshot below:

Click the tabs to toggle between screens, or press the corresponding function key on your keyboard.

The Navigation Tree

The Navigation Tree offers quick navigation between forms in Manitou. It includes the following two main features:

The Current Folder Icon

The "Current" folder icon on the Navigation Tree displays all forms currently open in the Application Pane. In the example displayed in the screenshot below, there are five forms currently open in the Application Pane. These forms are displayed as subcategory icons under the"Current" folder icon. Click the subcategory icons below the "Current" folder icon to switch between active forms.

A screenshot of a computer menuDescription automatically generated

The Shortcut Folder Icon

The "Shortcut" folder icon on the Navigation Tree displays user-defined forms the Supervisor has designated to display as shortcuts.

Perform the following steps to add a new form to your Navigation Tree "Shortcuts" folder:

  1. Right-click the "Shortcuts" folder icon and select the "Customize Shortcuts" folder icon.

Result: The "Customize Shortcuts" screen displays as shown in the screenshot below:

A screenshot of a computer programDescription automatically generated

  1. Select the shortcut you want to add from the left column, and then click the right-facing single arrow.

Result: The shortcut you selected displays in the right column.

  1. Continue adding shortcuts to the right column until you have added all the shortcuts you want, then click "OK".

Result: The "Customize Shortcuts" screen disappears and the shortcuts added now display under the "Shortcuts" folder icon in the Navigation Tree.

  1. Switch between the shortcuts to switch between active forms in the Application Pane.
Notes - F3

The "Notes-F3" tab allows a Supervisor to message himself a personal reminder. Notes posted to the "Notes-F3" tab are designed to be personal and are not published to the database. Once a note displays at the time the Supervisor designates, Manitou removes it from the system.

Perform the following steps to post a reminder note to the "Notes-F3" tab.

  1. To post a note using the "Notes-F3" tab, click it.

Result: A date dropdown menu and a list of times display a 24-hour period in which to enter notes.

  1. Double-click the half-hour time period in which you want the reminder to display.

Result: The "Enter Note" screen displays as shown in the following screenshot:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Enter a note and select a time for the system to give you an advance reminder and click "OK".

Result: The "Enter Note" screen disappears, and the description now displays in the time field you selected. When the time you selected for the advance reminder arrives, an advance reminder message displays.

  1. Click "OK".
  2. When the time you selected for delivery of the note arrives, a screen displays your note.
  3. Click "OK".

Result: Manitou permanently deletes the note setting from the system.

IM - F7

The "IM-F7" tab is an instant messenger service available to logged-on users. Messages can be sent to individuals, groups, or all users currently logged in to the system.

Additionally, messages can be set to display across the Status Bar Watchdog messages. Perform the following steps to send an instant message to another Manitou user:

  1. Click the "IM-F7" tab

Result: A list of Manitou users is displayed along with the following window:

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

  1. Select a user from the list designated as "Online" and enter your message in the lowest area of the Navigation Pane.
  2. Click the "Send" icon.

Result: Manitou sends your message to the recipient you designated.

Note: To send a message to multiple users rather than an individual, select a user group as the recipient. To send a message to every Manitou user, select "Everybody" as a recipient. To send a message that displays as a Status Bar Watchdog message, select the "Show on banner" option to the left of the "Send" icon. Instant Messages are not private. They are logged in to the database.