Receiver Availability

The Receiver Availability report returns the up-time for the receivers.  This is often provided to a UL Inspector.

Report Parameters

  • Date - time range to include in the report results.
  • Dealer ID - dealer, or dealers, to include in the report.
  • Authority ID - authority, or authorities, to include in the report results.  
  • Transmitter Type - filters the results by the specified Transmitter Type(s).
  • Receiver Line - filters the results by the specified Receiver Line(s).

  • Primary Path Zones - allows manual entry of the path zone(s) to include.  This is a comma-separated list.  
  • Secondary Path Zones - allows the manual entry of the secondary path zone(s) to include.  This is a comma-separated list.
  • Primary Receiver Number - allows the selection of which receiver to include with the path zones.

  • Backup Receiver Number - notes the receiver that backs up the primary receiver.  
  • Minimum Customer Availability % - sets the minimum availability time percentage to include in the results.
  • Include Signal Details - returns detailed signal information within the report results.