Logging on to Manitou Web Client

The Manitou software makes handling alarms and managing accounts a simple, efficient task. For most functions, the Operator will work from the Manitou main interface screen. Whether the primary function is to handle alarms or process data entry, it is best to begin by becoming familiar with the Manitou application.

Logging onto Manitou

Manitou makes logging on a simple, two-step process.

1. Open the Manitou URL

When Manitou was installed at your Central Station, the Central Station Manager was provided with a URL (web address) to access Manitou. They will provide this to youIf you experience trouble logging on, please contact a Supervisor. 

2. Log On

At the Sign In screen, enter your username and password, then click Login. Once logged in, the main Manitou screen will display.

A screenshot of a login screen Description automatically generated